Are you anticipating the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton? I am. I think they are such an appealing couple; I’m really hoping they achieve a happily ever after.

To celebrate the Royal Wedding this April 29, Harlequin Historical had this really creative idea—short stories set during real historical royal weddings!

Here is what Senior Editor Linda Fildew said about them:

“These seven short stories brilliantly capture the drama, pomp and ceremony and high passion of real-life royal weddings. From Eleanor of Aquitaine to Queen Victoria, these royal romances through the ages bring history vividly to life.”

As you might imagine, the authors had only a short time to research and write these stories. It was up to each of them to decide to use the royal couple as the hero and heroine or to choose other characters.

The books are available now at (scroll down), (scroll down), Amazon, and other email vendors.

Here are the stories and the royal couples the story celebrates:

Terri Brisbin’s WHAT THE DUCHESS WANTS (Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine and Henry of Anjou, the future Henry II, 1152)

–As one of Europe’s most powerful women, Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, has a chance most can only dream of—to choose her own husband! One glance at the young, forceful Henry of Anjou and her choice is made. Able to match her wit for wit, Henry’s a true warrior and not afraid to disobey a royal command… But his love of life—and the bedroom—promises Eleanor a brand-new world of excitement!

Michelle Willingham’s LIONHEART’S BRIDE (King Richard and Princess Berengaria, 1191)

–Princess Berengaria’s lady-in-waiting, Adriana, takes her duty to the future Queen of England seriously—she will defend her to the death! When their sea voyage to the Holy Land ends up in shipwreck and capture Adriana knows her only hope lies with the mysterious Irishman, Liam MacEgan. Liam escapes to reach Richard the Lionheart and together they plan a rescue mission. Nothing will stop these warriors from succeeding—their future brides are captive on Cyprus and they’ll raise hell to claim them!

Bronwyn Scott’s PRINCE CHARMING IN DISGUISE (Prince George and Caroline of Ansbach, 1704)

–He might be the future King of England, but Prince George seeks a marriage that’s more than a mere political alliance. Masquerading as a lowly nobleman, George heads to the court of Ansbach to woo the renowned beauty, Caroline! Caroline has no knowledge that he’s the most sought-after bachelor in Europe. But however much she’s charmed by the mysterious gentleman, her duty is to accept a blue-blooded proposal… Still, she cannot deny she’s wickedly tempted by his red-hot proposition!

Elizabeth Rolls’ A PRINCELY DILEMMA (George, Prince of Wales—future George IV—and Princess Caroline of Brunswick 1795)

–George, Prince of Wales, with his mistress in tow, only lays eyes on Princess Caroline of Brunswick three days before their wedding, and his resentment is palpable. Christopher, Duke of Severn, knows all about arranged marriages—his new wife’s fortune is the reason plain Linnet is wearing his ring! Severn and Linnet must persuade the spoilt princeling and his soon-to-be bride that a paper marriage can become something more. But in trying to convince the royal couple, a tantalizing spark ignites between the duke and his convenient duchess…

Ann Lethbridge’s PRINCESS CHARLOTTE’S CHOICE (Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold, 1816)

–As Princess Charlotte prepares to marry Prince Leopold, her most trusted lady, Isabelle Fenwick, must remain chaste and beyond scandal. Yet she has never forgotten darkly handsome Count Nikkolae Grazinsky and the kiss he stole…She later discovered the Russian had only used her for a wager, so why does he still seek her company? And why does the air tingle with anticipation when they are together? Surely this rake cannot be thinking of following Prince Leopold’s example and making a love-match?

Mary Nichols’ WITH VICTORIA’S BLESSING (Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, 1840)

–Preparations for the young Queen Victoria’s wedding have thrown all of London into a frenzy—but for Lady Emily Sumner, her own marital dilemmas eclipse all the excitement! Forbidden to marry her beloved Lieutenant Richard Lawrence by her strict, status-conscious mama, Emily’s chance at wedded bliss seems out of reach… But as Maid of Honour to the Queen, Emily discovers she has a secret weapon—royal approval! And with Queen Victoria’s blessing, surely Emily’s happy ending can’t be too far behind…?

Lucy Ashford’s THE PROBLEM WITH JOSEPHINE (Emperor Napoleon and Archduchess Marie-Louise of Austria, 1810)

–It’s springtime in Paris and Emperor Napoleon is about to marry Archduchess Marie-Louise of Austria. All around the city Napoleon’s courtiers are preparing for the spectacularly lavish wedding. Everything must be just right…Ordered to remove all portraits of Josephine, the Emperor’s first wife, seamstress Sophie has to track down a talented artist called Jacques. He promises to carry out the commission, but only in return for a kiss for every hour he works…

The stories are specially priced at $1.99 each, discounted to $1.79 at eHarlequin.
This should be the perfect way to prepare for “our” Royal Wedding!
What’s your favorite royal wedding? Will you be watching the wedding on April 29? How else are people celebrating the wedding?