August always feels like the doldrums of the year to me. I wish I could be like the French, and spend the whole month at the beach or the mountains. The weather is hot (over 100 degrees for the past week, and likely to stay so for the rest of the month!), nothing much gets done at work and yet everyone is strangely cranky. Workplace Sweetie is gone for a couple of weeks. I’m having a hard time concentrating in reading or writing, or doing anything besides watching dumb summer TV and drinking gallons of iced tea. If it wasn’t for Anthony Bourdain’s hilarious stint guest-judging on Top Chef, I would have nothing. It’s a good thing I’m going on vacation next week, visiting Risky Diane and taking in the colonial fun of Williamsburg! Shopping for tricorne hats is just what I need to escape the August blahs.
Luckily, I haven’t spent all my time watching America’s Got Very Mediocre Talent! I got the Official word I’ll be doing 4 more books for Harlequin. You can look for Nicolai’s story (still with no Official title!) in April ’08. And you can see a review of A Notorious Woman here. And I got to see Becoming Jane this morning!

I went in telling myself sternly, “This is not a story about the author Jane Austen who lived from 1775 to 1817. It is just a Regency romance with a heroine named Jane.” And that seemed to help. The movie did seem to have many elements in common with some modern Regency-set romances. So–I didn’t hate it. Neither did I love it. It was quite silly in many ways, and what is worse, was sometimes quite boring. But I enjoyed some of the costumes; most of the acting (Anne Hathaway was better than I expected, though Anna Maxwell Martin, who was so good in the recent Bleak House, was mostly wasted as Cassandra); James McAvoy with his shirt off. And those boots he wore. I got to see a preview for Elizabeth: The Golden Age–Clive Owen, excellent choice to play Walter Raleigh. And the theater was air conditioned, and I got to eat a packet of Sour Patch Kids. Maybe silliness was what I needed today.

How do you pull yourself out of summer laziness? Any advice for me? And what’s your favorite movie snack? (Told you I was feeling silly today…)