“He’ll fall in love with anything in a petticoat. I’ve seen his type before. Got the sense of a half-witted sheep when it comes to women.”

This is what Richard Sharpe’s friend, Pat Harper, says about him in SHARPE’S RIFLES, which I recently re-read in my quest to read all the Sharpe series in order. I’ve also just read SHARPE’S HAVOC so according to Bernard Cornwell’s website, the next will be SHARPE’S EAGLE.

Sharpe certainly lacks judgement where women are concerned, but I suppose he can’t help it, since there is always at least one intriguing beauty in each episode. The women in the series are a bit like Bond girls, though. One can’t invest too heavily in their relationships with Sharpe because they inevitably get killed off, betray him or marry someone else to make room for the next one. But some of the film heroines have left an impression on me, among them Teresa, the Spanish guerillera who’s a match for Sharpe’s bravery and toughness; the wily Marquesa from SHARPE’S HONOR; and of course Lucille, with whom he briefly finds happiness.

I was sorry to see Lucille killed off so that the series could continue as Sharpe returns to India. In my earlier post on Sharpe in India I mentioned that I had mixed feelings on the success of translating elements from the book SHARPE’S TIGER (which occurs when Sharpe is a young soldier in India) to SHARPE’S CHALLENGE which is set post-Waterloo. I still found it worth watching.

I’ve just discovered there’s a new Sharpe adventure, Sharpe’s Peril, also set in India, with a new “Sharpe Girls” played by Beatrice Rosen and Nandana Sen. You can learn more about the new episodes at ITV. Part 1 already aired and Part 2 airs on Sunday. Unfortunately you can only watch the videos online if you are in the UK. Boo!

I couldn’t even run the trailer at ITV though I was able to watch one at www.sharpefilm.com. I can’t tell if BBC America plans to run it, so I may have to wait until it hits Netflix. I find it hard to judge a film from its trailer; of course I will have to see it anyway, sooner or later. I can’t miss the chance for a Sharpe fix!

Which of the women in the Sharpe books or films do you find most interesting? Any who could be inspiration for a proper romance heroine?

Do you think this new installment in Sharpe’s adventures looks promising?
