stickytoffeeHere’s my follow-up to a mighty sweet Thanksgiving.  I’ll start right here by admitting that I love food (I know – who doesn’t?).  My extreme love of dessert is thwarted by the fact that certain factors make it impossible for me to indulge on a regular basis. Thursday was one of the exceptions. I also misbehave (culinarily) on Christmas and the occasional birthday.

In between bouts of gustatory vice, I manage this sorry state of affairs by vicariously indulging  in food web sites. One of my favorites is Great British Puddings. There are some great recipes although, if you’re in the US, you’ll have to do some conversions to get the ingredients right. Happily, the site includes a conversion table.

The picture I’ve included is, Sticky  Toffee Pudding, one of my favorites. I believe this is considered a rather low-class choice in England. But who cares?  I make this every Christmas and it could only be improved if I could get my hands on some honest-to-goodness clotted cream. But, even without it’s yummy. So, whether you want to bake or, like me,  indulge vicariously, this might be right up your alley.

Do you have favorite food sites?  Please share.  One can never have too much vice.