groundhog_wolfPlease don’t throw things at me, but when I see memes like this on the Internet, I laugh but I also feel torn.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t enjoy crazy sub-zero temperatures. And despite years of experience driving in all sorts of conditions with no mishaps, I don’t enjoy driving on icy, snowy roads.

I still don’t want winter to rush by too quickly. I’ve been too busy guiding my oldest daughter through the college search and application process to get out to the slopes. Maybe once I get my skiing fix in, I’ll be more ready for spring.

But that’s not all of it. Part of it’s my affinity for a time when more people agreed with the following quote from Edith Sitwell (British poet and critic, 1887-1964).

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”

Although I’d add winter sports to her list, I agree with the idea of enjoying the season, rather than rushing about keeping to our usual schedules even in wintry weather. It’s too bad we often don’t have a choice about it. I once worked for an employer who would not close our facility even during states of emergency, as if our work was so important it was worth rising peoples’ lives. More likely, they just wanted to save money by forcing us to take vacation time.

Now that my jobs are stroke caregiver and writer, snow days don’t bother me except for worrying about those who are still obliged to travel to work.

Since my daughters are old enough to leave me alone if I take an hour or two to write, snow days are pretty near perfect. Even when they were small, I enjoyed going out to play in the snow, making soup or cookies, watching movies, playing board games or cutting paper snowflakes. We still do a lot of these things. Since my oldest is heading off to college next year, I cherish the extra time together.

Maybe that’s really what it is this year. I don’t want time to speed up when I’m heading toward a change for which I don’t feel quite ready.

How about you? Are you one of the many who are sick of winter? Or are there things you still enjoy about it?

For those of you who are sick of winter, we Riskies are planning something that may cheer you up. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’ll hold the first ever week long Risky Regencies 99 Cent Ebook Sale, including titles by the Riskies and some special guests. More details coming soon!
