My first order of business is to apologize for the brevity and lack of visual interest for this post, but I am on the Jersey shore, and typing on an iPhone. The second is to say I have been reading a lot, since that’s what you do vacation (or any spare moments, actually). I am currently relishing every minute of former Risky interviewee Tessa Dare’s Goddess Of The Hunt. Wow. It is amazingly delicious, and the characters are so real. While on the beach, I have noticed nearly everyone–including adults–reading Stephenie Meyer. Some of the male holdouts are still reading Patterson et al. But they’re reading, and that’s cool. We have only a few more days here, so I’ll scoot, but ask before I go: what is the book you associate with your best holiday? Mine would be Pamela by Samuel Richardson, which I read on my honeymoon.