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A couple of weeks ago, Megan taught me about McGuffins. I also recently learned about Mary Sues.

According to Wikipedia, Mary Sue “is a pejorative term for a fictional character who is portrayed in an overly idealized way and lacks noteworthy flaws, or has unreasonably romanticized flaws. Characters labeled Mary Sues, as well as the stories they appear in, are generally seen as wish-fulfillment fantasies of the author.” (More at Wikipedia. )

The term originated in the Star Trek fan fiction community but I think romance novelists, too, often skate a fine line with Mary Sues.

Consider these characteristics of a Mary Sue (or Gary Stu).

“The typical Mary Sue is always physically attractive, and her appearance may include an unusual but natural hair or eye color. Eye colour may also be depicted as changing according to time, place, emotion, or other causes. Mary Sue’s name often has a special meaning, and if so, either she or the author will inform the cast or reader of it.”

“Mary Sue is beautiful, so Gary Stu is handsome.”

“Tragic backgrounds are also common among Mary Sues, and frequently include family abuse or neglect.”

“While Mary Sue is often bright and cheerful no matter what her past has dealt her, Gary Stu tends to be brooding and frequently violent.”

Dangerous territory for a romance author! Most of us try to depict our characters as attractive (though not always perfect) and to give them some serious problems to tackle. So when does a character become a Mary Sue?

I decided to put the heroine of my current mess-in-progress through The Original Fiction Mary-Sue Litmus Test.

Imagine my relief when she scored a mere 19 points, in the 11-20 “Non-Sue” range. 🙂

Then I decided to give the test a whirl with the heroine of Barbara Cartland’s HAZARD OF HEARTS. Even when I was a thirteen-year old reading this classic story of a heroine whose father gambles her away to the hero, I knew it was a guilty pleasure. I had to guess how Barbara Cartland felt about her characters based on things I’d read about her and tried to be conservative on those questions. But even considering that, and the fact that she has no paranormal abilities (other than surviving with chronic breathlessness), Serena Staverley scored a respectable 53 points. As I suspected, an Uber-Sue.

Given Barbara Cartland’s undeniable popularity, there were–and probably still are–many romance readers who love a good Mary Sue. Maybe Mary Sue heroines are wish fulfillment for some readers as well as their authors?

As readers, when do you think an author crosses the line between creating an attractive character with problems in his/her past to creating a Mary Sue/Gary Stu? Do you enjoy reading the occasional romance with a Mary Sue?

And fellow writers, do let us know what happens if you try this test on your characters!


This week, I (Amanda) am out of town. It was an unexpected trip, so I didn’t have time to prepare a proper post. But I was thinking how much I enjoy having Risky Regencies as a place to visit every day, where there are always people who share a love of history, books, and hunky movie stars! So, I decided to share my appreciation of you, our Risky Readers, by having a little giveaway.
A couple of weeks ago, I was at our local Friends of the Library booksale and found a copy of a book I blogged about last month, Antonia Fraser’s Love Letters: An Illustrated Anthology (as well as about 60 other books to pile around my living room, but we won’t talk about that…) This is a gorgeous book, full of beautiful paintings and impassioned words! I already have a copy, so am giving away this new one.
Remember, this is an ex-library copy, so it has some stamps and a plastic cover, but it’s in great shape! If you’d like me to send YOU this book, just leave a comment about what you like about Risky Regencies, why you enjoy visiting, maybe some topics you’d like to see us cover in the future or Regency factoids you’d lke to know. On Sunday afternoon, when I get home, I’ll pick a comment at random to be the winner.
Thanks for reading! And stay Risky!

Actually, I’m not talking about the mistake of taking on a career tightening Prinny’s corset, though I think this poor fellow deserves combat pay for his efforts.

I’m talking about the more egregious mistakes regarding servants I’ve seen once in a while in Regency-set romances.

This past weekend I listened to a children’s song by Tom Chapin in which a royal footman sang in an imitation Cockney accent. But what I can deal with in a children’s song I find harder to take in a historical romance. I have read stories in which a butler or valet spoke Cockney and I have to admit that grates. It’s as if the author felt it was necessary to clarify the differences in social status.

Yet some authors make the opposite error. In one book I read a scene where the hero, on returning home, warmly and publicly greets a man on the stairs using his first name. For a moment I thought there was a brother or good friend the author hadn’t mentioned before. It turned out to be the butler. It didn’t ruin the book for me but it did confuse me for a scene.

Yet I think this is something that is easily researched or even just absorbed through enough reading in the period. It’s not hard to learn the names and roles of various servants. Maybe the relationship between them and their masters is a bit more of a subtle thing. The way I understand it, servants often took their tone from the households they served. In a respectable household, the servants who dealt most closely with the family members (and as you can see some of them had to deal quite closely!) and also those who dealt with guests were expected to be respectable and well-spoken themselves. Of course, in a more ramshackle household the servants could run amok, too. It’s all part of the characterization.

Georgette Heyer wrote some of the strongest servant characters in her novels, like the domineering old Nurse in VENETIA, or Keighley, the groom in SYLVESTER. I don’t think I’ve read a romance in which a servant had a romantic role but I’ve read a few in which the heroes or heroines pretended to be a servant. Probably my favorite of those is Loretta Chase’s THE SANDALWOOD PRINCESS.

So what are some of your favorite servant (or pretending to be) characters? Do you like it when an author plays with class differences in a romance? Are there errors in depiction of servants that grate on you?


Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! I grew up with Irish grandparents, so this was always a BIG day in my family. My grandmother would make corned beef and cabbage, my grandfather would hang a big Irish flag up over the garage, and there was a lot of singing of folk songs (never mind that no one in my family can actually sing!). It was like “My Big Fat Irish Holiday.”
Today, I’m going to go to a parade this afternoon, and a concert of Irish music tonight. There will be no singing, and probably no corned beef, and definitely none of those tall green hats, but maybe some Guinness.
A few factoids. This is the feast day of St. Patrick, who lived from around 373 to 493, and who died on March 17 (the best way to commemorate this, of course, is green beer!). The biggest parade in the US is in New York City, where an estimated 2 million people show up. The first public celebration of SPD in the US was in Boston in 1737. In New York, the Crown and Thistle tavern held a party in 1756, and in 1780 George Washington allowed his troops a holiday on March 17 (later known as the St. Patrick’s Day Encampment).
I hope you all have a bonny day! Does anyone have any fun plans?
And, in case you feel the urge to bake, here is my grandmother’s soda bread recipe (I don’t give this to just anyone!):
Irish Soda Bread
5 cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
I tbsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temp, cut into cubes
2 1/2 cups raisins
3 tbsp caraway seeds
2 1/2 cups buttermilk
1 large egg
Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter heavy, ovenproof 10 to 12 inch diameter skillet with 2 to 2 1/2 inch high sides. Whisk first 5 ingredients in large bowl to blend. Add butter; using fingertips, run in until coarse crumbs form. Stir in raisins and caraway seeds. Whisk buttermilk and egg in medium bowl to blend. Add to dough; using wooden spoon, stir just until well incorporated (dough will be very sticky)
Transfer dough to prepared skillet; smooth top, mounding slightly in center. Using small, sharp knife cut 1 inch deep X in top center. Bake until bread is cooked through and tester inserted comes out clean, about 1 hour 15 minutes. Cool bread in skillet 10 minutes. Turn out onto rack and cool completely. Makes 8 to 10 servings.
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