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I like words.

I know — shocking revelation for a writer to make. But there it is. I like words.

And some words, I really like…either for their sound, or their meaning, or some strange essence they possess…

Today, words that fall into my “really like” column include:










How about you? What words do you like to say, read or write, due to their inner (or outer) beauty?

All opinions welcome!

Cara King, author of the soothing and rarely bombastic MY LADY GAMESTER, a book that does not contain the words “deciduous” or “concatenation”

Happy Saturday, everyone! St. Patrick’s Day is not actually until Monday, of course, but I’m off to the St. Patrick’s Day Ball tonight (with my black and white dress, plus a green chiffon shawl and a big fake emerald ring–thanks for the accessories advice last week!). Plus I got an early St. P’s Day present this week. I sold a trilogy to Grand Central Publishing!!!

Now, how does this fit in with the Shamrocks and Slip Jigs theme? The series, tentatively called “The Daughters of Ireland,” is set in Ireland and London around the events of the 1798 Rebellion. I’m very excited to get to tackle a book set in Ireland amid so much drama and upheaval–Ireland is very big in the McCabe Family. It seems like a place just meant for romance and passion.

Book One, called Countess of Scandal (but which will probably be something different later) comes out sometime in 2010. It features the first of the three Blacknall sisters, Elizabeth (Eliza). She is a young, rich widowed countess, the daughter of a wealthy Anglo-Irish family. But she has a secret–she writes seditious pamphlets for the United Irishmen, and hides fugitives in the cellars of her vast Dublin townhouse. She’s devoted to Irish freedom, but a serious problem pops up in the person of her childhood sweetheart, Will Denton, the son of her family’s equally wealthy neighbors. He left her when she was young to join the Army and go off to the West Indies, breaking her heart. Now he’s back–and he’s Major William Denton, sent to Ireland to quell the growing unrest. He knows Eliza is up to something dangerous, and is just as determined to stop her as she is to fulfill her mission. If they can keep from falling hopelessly in love all over again.

I am very excited about this series! Of course, now I have to actually get to work and write them…

And, in the spirit of All Things Irish, here are a few facts I found about Guinness (to go with your corned beef and cabbage):
–Arthur Guinness started brewing the famous stout in Dublin in 1759, having purchased a dormant brewery with 100 pounds from his godfather’s will. He signed a 9000 year lease on that brewery, with an annual rent of 45 pounds (still in effect, I would think)
–10 million glasses of Guinness are drunk every day around the world
–A pint of Guinness Draught has fewer calories than a pint of 2% milk or a pint of orange juice
–The Guiness Storehouse in Dublin is one of their most-visited tourist attractions, with over 750,000 visitors every year

So, Cheers to everyone this St. Patrick’s Day! I’m so happy to share my news with all the Riskies! What are your plans for the holiday?

Deb Marlowe’s question about book trailers on Amanda’s post Saturday got me thinking about promotion. Believe me, after you get that magical, most-sought-after, long desired book contract, you immediately start agonizing about promotion. After wanting so desperately to get the book published now you want the book to do well. That means promotion.

I haven’t a clue what promotion really works so I’m asking our Risky Regency community. What works for you?

I’m not talking about reviews or word-of-mouth or bookcovers or backcover copy, because we really have no control over those things. I mean the promotion we do have control over, the kind that helps you remember the book or the author.

Are you influenced by Book Trailers?
Here is one I think is great! So clever. Done by Diana Holquist.
Speaking of clever, you can’t beat these by fellow Wet Noodle Posse Noodler Jill Monroe, for her Primal Instincts and another for Gena Showalter’s Savor Me Slowly.

What about websites? We’re told a website is an essential promotional tool. Last year I made a big investment in a new website. Do you think a website is important? If so, why?

Do you think the cover of Romantic Times magazine helps you remember a book or its author?

How about an ad in RT?

What about banner ads? I don’t do many of those but I wonder if they are good advertising.

How about promotional materials? Totes? T-shirts? Here are some I did through as contest prizes.

This is my absolute favorite promotional item that I’ve ever done. I only gave away a limited number and I didn’t care if they were effective or not. They were sooooo much fun. (Get it? It’s a “Reputable Rake”)

What about things like magnets, Do Not Disturb signs, mirrors, emery boards (love those!), chip clips, pens, pencils–all those thing we get in conference goody bags and goody rooms? I’ve never done any of those.

And last of all—Bookmarks!!
I always do bookmarks for my books and I really love them, because you can carry them with you easily and you can give them out at booksignings or anywhere! I often give them out like business cards.

Do you like bookmarks?

Sometimes photography is used in promotion. Like this promotional photo from PS I Love You (Gerard Butler reclining, Keira!)Lots of questions here, Riskies…..Tell me what you think!

1) Our own Risky Diane got a great review in the Chicago Tribune this week, for The Vanishing Viscountess! It says the story is “expertly spiced with adventure and passion.” But then, we here already knew that!!!

2) Websites: some updates have gone up on mine, including an excerpt from my April book, A Sinful Alliance! (Which got 4 stars from RT, plus a KISS award for the hero, Nicolai. Yay for him! And I still say he is not the bad-hair dude on the cover…)

3) Book trailers. I’m always trying to come up with new ways to “get the word out” about our books, so I’ve been watching a few of these on author websites and YouTube. I’m not sure they’re for me–for one thing, I’m a techno-idjit and would have to get someone else to do one for me. For another, I would be annoyingly picky. I would want it to look like a Real movie trailer (like this one, for instance), but I have a feeling it would end up like “The Humans Are Dead” bit on Flight of the Conchords. That’s the one where their incompetent band manager Murray films it on his cell phone. So, this is probably not for me right now. What do you think of the trailers? Have any made you want to pick up the book?

But I am doing a book signing at a local Renaissance fair next month! (For my Renaissance-set books, get it??). I’ve never done this before, and am a bit nervous, but at least it’s an excuse for a new costume.

4) Speaking of clothes, I have to go to a St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser ball for work on the 15th, which is another excuse for something new! I really want something like Amy Adams’s Oscar gown (it’s green, see?), but time and fundage may mean I have to wear a dress I recently bought for RWA. It’s black and white, so I need something green to go with it. Emeralds would be great, but again the fundage. Any suggestions?

5) Shakespeare. For some reason he’s all over the place in my life lately! From Netflix I got 2 of the BBC’s Shakespeare Retold movies (Midsummer Night’s Dream and a great Taming of the Shrew with Shirley Henderson and Rufus Sewell, both movies were excellent!), and I’ve been reading The Lodger Shakespeare by Charles Nicholl, which takes Shakespeare’s brief appearance in an early 17th century lawsuit involving his ex-landlords and makes a whole (and fascinating) book out of it. Plus I have a new book bought with the last of my birthday Barnes and Noble gift cards called Filthy Shakespeare: Shakespeare’s Most Outrageous Sexual Puns. This one is so hilarious it deserves its own post, so stay tuned.

7) Orlando. Of course. Just because.

So, to recap–reviews, book trailers, green dresses, Shakespeare, Orlando, Renaissance fairs, Flight of the Conchords. Oh, and tea. What are you thinking about this week?

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