So Carolyn talked this week about the fashion difference between East and West Coasts in terms of boot wearage, and the day she posted this–before I had even read it–I went and bought a pair of knee-high black boots (these are the VERY ONES I got).

Because, as Carolyn so astutely points out, that is how we roll on this side of the country.

Earlier this week, I sent my agent the novella I’ve been working on FOR EVER, the one I did a short excerpt of a few weeks back. And since then have done no fiction writing, but am THINKING awfully hard about it. Not that that counts.

The Thanksgiving holiday arrives next week, which means that I won’t have to cook for a few days! That is likely what I am most thankful for. I hope to catch up on sleep and hanging out with my husband, too, during those few days off.

One thing that will definitely happen on Thanksgiving is listening to Arlo Guthrie‘s “Alice’s Restaurant;” it’s a Thanksgiving tradition my family and I used to have, and now my husband has taken it up, which is so sweet. So we’ll listen to “the circles and arrows on the back of each one” and laugh on our drive down to South Jersey for turkey.

Of course the food is lovely, too, but I think the annual listening is my favorite part. What does your family do special at Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for?