Why does hair on a man’s forehead somehow make him suddenly seem sensitive, or artistic, or deep?

It’s all due to those….those Romantics, isn’t it?

Shelley… Keats… Byron…. They have a lot to answer for, don’t they?

They left us with the unwavering feeling that a man with hair falling over his forehead, or even into his eyes a bit, has a profound and passionate soul.

Or was it the Romantics?

What is it about men with hair falling in their eyes?

Certainly, both Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy and Matthew Macfadyen’s Mr. Darcy have their moments of romantic hair glory — the former’s curls, and the latter’s wisps, falling over the brow, showing emotion, and beauty, and….. love?

Is this what makes a woman’s heart turn over? Hair falling forward?

If so, is it really all due to the Romantics?

I suspect that it was indeed the great hippie-like passions and philosophy and art of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and the hair the era loved, which have imprinted us forever.

And just in case you think I’m merely making fun of this idea, let me assure you that I’m not.

I am a total sucker for floppy hair.

Case in point: Peter Petrelli.

On the new TV show “Heroes”, Peter Petrelli (played by Milo Ventimiglia) is the sensitive younger brother of a conniving politician.

Peter, though, is a nurse, and a good son, and falls in love with women who prefer heroin-addicted artists, and feels oh-so-much pain, and love, and longing…

And when he gets a chance to lay down his life to save someone, he takes it.


And you knew it all the minute you saw the hair.

(who actually whined excessively about the long hair of the guy on the cover of MY LADY GAMESTER, because Stoke is no romantic, and that guy on the cover just looks like a smug, self-satisfied twit)