A noise like of a hidden brook
In the leafy month of June
That to the sleeping woods all night
Singeth a quiet tune — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Ancient Mariner. Part v

My we were a quiet bunch last week. After the explosion of 59 comments to Keira’s guest blog, things became unusually quiet. Not only here but on the Wet Noodle Posse blog as well. And on my loops.

Many people were at RT, I’m sure, but I’ve been to RT and not that many people attend. Most of the Riskies were out of town. I think Janet and I were the only ones staying at home.

Because of the quiet, we’re going to extend our tagline contest. The new deadline is Wednesday, April 23.

This gives me an opportunity to ask, what would you like us to be talking more about at Risky Regencies?

Do you want more about writing? About Research? About our lives? Do you like our selection of Guest Bloggers?

This is a chance for you to tell us What Risky Regency Readers Want. Spill

A bit of follow-up.
Remember my blog about the Gerard Butler Charity Convention?
The Convention raised $30,451.92!! The money is donated to Kids Kicking Cancer.

Here’s a photo of Patty and me at the banquet with our lunchboxes.

What I’m Up To Next:
Next weekend is our Washington Romance Writers Spring Retreat. Usually we have the Retreat in Harpers Ferry, WV, in an old historic hotel called Hilltop House. In the last year, Hilltop House was sold to new owners who are busy renovating and WRW was out of the location that has housed the Retreat continously since about 1998 (and many years before that). Our Board and Retreat Committee did a masterful job of finding The Bolger Center, in very nearby Potomac, MD. It is costing us more, but at least we will be able to meet.

Our main speakers are Victoria Alexander and Kresley Cole (see Kresley’s Author Talk interview here) and we’ll have workshops by Margie Lawson, Pam Spengler-Jaffee, Director of Publicity, Paperbacks at William Morrow/Avon, Karen Rose, Mariah Stewart, and our own talented members…Elizabeth Holcombe, Kathleen Gilles Seidel, and Denise McInerney. We also put our visiting agents (Elaine English, Emmanuelle Alspaugh, Becca Stumpf) and editors (Tracy Farrell, Lucia Macro, Kate Duffy, and Jennifer Enderlin) to work on workshop panels and in individual and group interviews. Kathleen Gilles Seidel always opens the Retreat with a terrific speech and Nora Roberts closes with one equally terrific…but different.

Anything you want me to find out for you at the Retreat? Anything besides discovering if O Doggie One (aka doglady) wins the Historical category of the Marlene, that is?