The Cover Gods have blessed me once again!

Take a look at my new cover of The Vanishing Viscountess, coming January 2008 from Harlequin Historical!

I am THRILLED TO PIECES!! Not only does the scene fit the story, but the models even look like the hero and heroine.

The Vanishing Viscountess is Tanner’s story. Tanner first appeared in Innocence and Impropriety and when he threatened to take over the book, I promised him a very special book of his own. He settled down and allowed Flynn to get the girl in the end. Just as I suspected, however, Tanner gave me a wonderful good time writing his story of rescuing a viscountess-on-the-run and aiding her escape to Scotland.

Oddly enough when I was planning Innocence and Impropriety, I chose this image for Tanner. I didn’t realize that I’d chosen Gerard Butler, nor had I yet seen Phantom of the Opera and embarked on my Gerard Butler obsession. But talk about foreshadowing! Who thought that I’d foreshadow Tanner’s abs!

I do realize that the shirt and vest are not Regency period correct (Regency shirts did not open in the front and I doubt a Regency vest would be that color). I know I’m hypocritical, because I did lament about the Innocence and Impropriety cover hero wearing his neckcloth tied in a bow, and I made a big deal about the Beau Brummell BBC TV movie showing an open-front shirt. I do not care. The Vanishing Viscountess cover strikes just the right tone for the story and I’m betting the bare abs will make browsing female bookstore patrons pick up the book.

But if a gorgeous, bare-chested guy on one book wasn’t enough, I also received the cover for the UK version of last year’s Christmas anthology, featuring my novella, A Twelfth Night Tale and stories from yesterdays guest blogger, Elizabeth Rolls and the very talented, Deborah Hale. The UK version will be released October 2007 and was renamed A Regency Christmas.

Isn’t it a lovely Christmas cover?

You can actually order this book from Mills and Boon right now!

Visit my website to hear me gush more about these books. My contest this month is to win one autographed copy of my RITA winner, A Reputable Rake, for yourself and another copy for a friend. The Cover Gods were good to me for A Reputable Rake, too.

Is this a good time to renew our cover debate?

Would you be as thrilled about The Vanishing Viscountess cover as I am or do you think it is too….mantitty?

What kind of covers do you like best?

Do covers influence whether or not you pick up a book in a bookstore?

If you are reading a romance in public, do you conceal the cover? (I confess, I used to, but now I hope someone notices and dares to say something to me!)

If you are near Williamsburg, Virginia, this Saturday, September 15, from 1 pm to 3 pm, I’ll be signing copies of Innocence and Impropriety, along with Romance Authors, Michelle Willingham, Marliss Melton, and Sydney Croft at The College of William and Mary Bookstore (Barnes and Noble), 345 Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg. Mention Risky Regencies and I’ll have something special for you!