I’m working on preparing the final files for the 5th book in my My Immortals Series. Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll be able to start uploading. But this means I have been very, very busy with html and css and viewing files on devices and generally deciding that since Apple can deal with a lovely drop cap, then Apple readers will get my lovely drop caps and other devices will get something a bit more spare. Still looks nice, though.
The Poll. It’s tricksy.
You can pick up to five.

Explain yourself in the comments.
Given that the title asks “what *is* your favourite colour” I thought this might be a trick (although the instructions say “you can pick up to five”. I compromised and went for three colours which I like equally…
I also went for 3 colours. 2 because I suit these in clothing & red as I like wearing red lipstick.
I went with my actual favorite color because I’m too distracted to think real hard this morning. Then doorknobs because I once gave an antique one to a co-worker as a gift (she collected them), and she immediately started using it as a magic wand.
My 3 favorite colors are all related–blue, green, and yellow. But I had to pick “eleventy” too because, well, that should really be a word. Why can’t eleventy = 110? I mean, the British made up a word for 2 weeks (fortnight) so why can’t we have eleventy for 110? I may start a campaign. I saw others voted for eleventy so I know I’m not alone!
Black (as no one who knows me will ever be surprised by). Easy, goes with everything, I can just throw it on at 5AM without really thinking about it, and I never have to worry if things will clash beyond is it a blue black or a brown black (which I’ve solved by only buying blue black). When making histoical costumes I’m partial to green though, as I can’t always get away with black, LOL!
I love blue, always have.
I also love drop caps, but I’ve seen them done awkwardly by NY published e-books. I haven’t tried to do them in my own books, figuring that simple is better than awkward.