Don’t tell my son, but–I’m looking forward to school beginning again September 8th.

See, right now, my son is at Camp Mom, which means he’s with me All Day. THE ENTIRE DAY. I love the guy, but there’s only so much Naruto, Yu-Gi Oh, One Piece and Deathnote plots I can comprehend (my son likes manga. A lot.)

And although there are pockets of the day where I can write, theoretically, it’s awfully hard to get into the groove when you might be asked to unearth snacks or locate a clean pair of shorts, or something.

So–despite my doing great while in Minnesota, I haven’t touched writing since I returned to Brooklyn.

Before then, however, we are heading to the Jersey Shore (where I definitely won’t be writing!), where I can sit on the beach slathered in SPF 50+ and read. Bliss!

And I am hoping to fit in some last-minute summer treats, such as frozen custard on the boardwalk, chilled chardonnay on the deck, a frothy novel that I’ll forget five minutes after reading The End, tank tops, flip-flops and this summer’s best pop song (Katy Perry‘s “Teenage Dream” has not left my head since I first heard it).

What are your favorite summer treats? What are you doing before the onset of fall?


PS: The guy is the actor from the “Teenage Dream” video. Rowr.