I’ve been drifting around online since I got up this morning, trying to find a good blog topic for this cold Tuesday! Having found nothing (or rather, so many things I couldn’t decide) I thought I would borrow ideas from Megan and Janet and just tell you some of the stuff I’ve been thinking about lately….

1) Writing! Like always. Just finished up an Undone short story set at the court of Mary Queen of Scots and diving back into the full-length Scottish story, plus organizing my “ideas folder.” I’m often distracted by bright, shiny new ideas that try to tempt me away from the WIP, so I jot them down in a special notebook to come back to later (not that they always stop pestering me). I’ve also been sorting some new research books I picked up at a booksale last week! Fun fun. Inspired by Diane, I may also do a little genealogical research…

2) The Oscars! I do love Oscar nomination day, which happens to be–today. (See a full list of the noms here). Out of the ridiculously bloated 10 movie Best Picture field, I’ve seen 5, Black Swan, The King’s Speech, The Kids Are All Right, The Social Network, and the vastly overrated Inception. My personal favorite of those is King’s Speech, but I predict Social Network will win (with Colin Firth and Natalie Portman winning Acting honors). I will probably see True Grit soon, but as much as I love James Franco I think 127 Hours would be too intense for me. The noms for Best Costumes are Alice In Wonderland, I Am Love, The King’s Speech, The Tempest, and True Grit. No arguments there, though I might have liked to see Black Swan there. Those Rodarte tutus were awesome.

3) Like Megan, I’ve been thinking about Vampire Diaries! New episodes finally start again on Thursday and I can’t wait. It feels like I’ve been waiting forever to see what will happen next in the twisty plots (or which Salvatore brother will take his shirt off first)

4) Today is the (probable) anniversary of the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, a secret shotgun wedding complete with baby bump in 1533. Er–happy anniversary? (For more information on this event, check this post in The Anne Boleyn Files, an awesome blog that you should check out anyway!)

5) It’s also Burns Day! Poet Robert Burns was born on this day in 1759, which is celebrated every year in Scotland (and by people who just like his work!). A local pub here does a special dinner for it every year, which I will be attending tonight. In honor of his poem “To A Haggis” it’s traditional to serve haggis, which I will not be partaking in. (Check here for more info, and a recipe for haggis if you’re feeling brave)

6) Reading, of course! I’m in the middle of Carol Carr’s new historical mystery India Black, about a Victorian madam solving a murder. I love it so far, a great heroine and witty writing. I also have a new biography of Voltaire, and some birthday gift cards from Barnes and Noble burning a hole in my pocket as I try to decide how to spend them. Any recommendations??

Now I’m running out to yoga class so I won’t feel so bad about the shepherd’s pie and whiskey tonight! What are you thinking about today? Any favorite Oscar movies or predictions?