So, last week was the season premier of Gossip Girl, IMO the second greatest show on TV right now (behind only the sublime Mad Men. When Pushing Daisies comes back on, it may drop to third. We’ll see). The premier was great. Hamptons summer fabulosity, complete with beaches, tea on the lawn, croquet, and a big snooty party! Serena and Dan back together! Nate having a torrid affair with an older married woman! Lots of Blair and Chuck bickering (my favorite)!

Best of all, Blair’s new flame is a British lord. Oh, at first he tried to pretend to be a “normal American guy” from Princeton (or Georgetown), until Chuck’s PI (of course he has a PI on speed dial–he’s Chuck Bass) put an end to that deception. I am really looking forward to seeing where this storyline goes, though the preview of next week’s episode doesn’t give me confidence in their proper title usage.

There are, of course, no virgins on GG (not since Blair lost hers to Chuck in that limo). None on Mad Men, either, now that I think about it. But I did run across this article on the Guardian’s book blog about Top Ten Literary Virgins. Yes, authors who did not squander their energies in the back of limos or on futons under fake snowstorms. No, they used them for Art. Or whatever.

The list includes: Jane Austen (natch), Emily Dickinson (double natch), Queen Elizabeth I (who wrote poetry as well as, y’know, running England), Henry James (I did not know that; interesting), Gerard Manley Hopkins, Yeats, Shaw, Christina Rosetti, and Anne Widdicombe (MP and novelist).

The article says about Austen, “Despite the ‘quite a bit of sex’ smeared on her life and work by the biopic Becoming Jane and virtually all the recent screen adaptations (notably the obnoxious Mansfield Park), the author of Pride and Prejudice…died intacta. All 6 of her major heroines are as virginal on the last page as they were on the first. Does the fact that Austen ‘never had it’ make her a greater, or lesser, writer? Is chastity the enemy of genius?”

Huh. I dunno. Not in the case of Austen, for sure. What do you think?

Who are some of your favorite ‘literary virgins’? And what TV shows are you looking forward to this Fall?
Be sure and join us tomorrow when we welcome back Christine Wells! She will dish about her latest book, The Dangerous Duke, and give away TWO copies to lucky commenters…