Welcome to the Risky Regencies Second Anniversary Celebration!

Leave a comment on this post anytime before the end of this week, saying which of my posts from the past twelve months is your favorite, and explaining why you like it, and you’ll be entered to win today’s prize!

The winner of today’s prize will actually have a choice between Prize A and Prize B:

PRIZE A: A new, never-read, still-in-its-shrinkwrap softbound copy of A PASSION FOR PERFORMANCE: SARAH SIDDONS AND HER PORTRAITISTS published by the J. Paul Getty Museum. This 8″ x 11″ book has 136 pages of portraits of the great Regency actress Sarah Siddons (some color, some B&W, some small, some large), plus essays on the Siddons legend, on her public persona, and more.

PRIZE B: This prize is a Regency novel grab-bag. It includes two copies of my award-winning MY LADY GAMESTER, signed and dedicated to whomever you choose; plus used paperback copies of Carla Kelly’s SUMMER CAMPAIGN, Carla Kelly’s MISS CHARTLEY’S GUIDED TOUR, Jasmine Cresswell’s LORD CARRISFORD’S MISTRESS (a Fawcett Coventry Regency from 1980), and Patricia C. Wrede’s MAIRELON THE MAGICIAN (a fantasy novel set in Regency England.) The latter four books have varying amounts of wear.

Now: on with the contest!

To help jog your memory (and make things easy for anyone who may be joining us for the first time), I’ve listed some my favorite Cara posts. See which you like, and tell us why!

First, one of my favorite installments of AUSTEN TREK (also known
as “If Jane Austen Wrote Star Trek.”) Some folks thought I crossed the “okay, now you’re just too weird” line with this series. What do you think? Austen Trek: The Origin of Kirk

Next, my report on the Jane Austen Ball

And who could forget dear Bertie?
Bertie the Superhero

The first Tuesday of every month, I host an online Jane Austen Movie Club here at Risky Regencies. This post was our first “meeting”: Jane Austen Movie Club: PERSUASION

And just in case you weren’t sure that Cara had already crossed the
“Okay, now you’re just freaking me out with how weird you are” line, there’s always Northactionfigure Abbey

Of course, I can be Very Serious. I Very Seriously wish I lived at Syon Park

And because a Regency lady needs someone special to live with her at Syon Park, I have twice conducted a poll to determine everyone’s Favorite Austen Heartthrob. (Mr. Knightley looks rather like Bertie in that picture, doesn’t he?)

There you have it. Something of a cross-section of my posts, with only the vast majority of them showing a shocking excess of immaturity and/or insanity. (I couldn’t possibly show you more than seven posts — that would be rampant vanity! — nor would I dare show you any more of my bizarre-Cara-humor posts, such as Traditional Christmas Pie, or any more “handsome Regency guy” posts, particularly If Jamie Bamber’s Hot, It’s Not Like I Noticed Or Anything. Definitely not!)

And don’t forget to sign up for our Risky newsletter, if you haven’t yet done so! All subscribers at the end of this week will have a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift certificate! (To subscribe, send an e-mail to riskies@yahoo.com with NEWSLETTER in the subject line.)

Cara King, author of My Lady Gamester and petter of fluffy cats