This is going to be a short Saturday post! I’m writing it at an Internet cafe in snowbound Santa Fe, where I’ve come for a too-short birthday trip (it’s on the 15th, and Barnes and Noble giftcards make GREAT presents. I’m just sayin’…). So, I’m going to follow Megan’s example from a few weeks ago and let YOU be the post. Tell us what you’re currently reading, what’s in your TBR pile, or what upcoming books you’re looking forward to.

I decided not to bring many research books with me this weekend. I’ve been buried in my three ongoing projects (Regency with elements of ancient Greece, Tudor England, pre-Revolutionary France), and I’m afraid if I don’t take a break I’ll have Henry VIII dancing at Almacks with Marie Antoinette. Instead, I’m treating myself to some fiction–Colleen Gleason’s The Rest Falls Away (couldn’t resist after her interview here!), Claire Thornton’s The Abducted Heiress (a rare Restoration setting, something I would love to see more of), and a mystery by Sarah Stewart Taylor, Still As Death.

That’s my weekend reading! What’s yours?