I am in the last days before turning in Leo’s Story, the book connected to The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor, so naturally I’m in panic mode. Forgive a brief blog.

My son’s birthday is today so over the weekend my in-laws came, my son and his girlfriend, her cat and her dog. Needless to say it was a busy but fun-filled weekend for everyone except my cats. One cat immediately terrorized the dog, one didn’t care, and the other two hid the entire time.

My mother-in-law, one of my greatest supporters, had bragged about me writing books to one of her friends in Williamsburg and found me another potential reader. The problem is there is no bookstore in Williamsburg that sells Harlequin Historicals, at least the last time I looked (see Where In Williamsburg Can You Buy Diane’s Book, my 12/31/2007 blog).

This got me to thinking…Where do you buy books these days? There’s been much press about ebook sales rising dramatically and about Borders financial woes. Book selling seems to be in the throes of change.
My book buying habits have changed in recent years, I’ll admit. The fiction I buy is almost always through Amazon for my Kindle. My research books are almost always purchased online. I don’t spend nearly as much time browsing bookstores as I used to.
So a little survey (a la Carolyn, who does this so much better).
Where do you buy books?
1. Online? If so, which vendor?
2. Bookstores? Which one?
3. Other stores, like Walmart, Kmart, Target, etc?
4. What do you purchase more of these days, ebooks or print books?
Commenting will earn you a chance to win a signed copy of The Marriage Bargain, one of my Diane Perkins books or an ebook download of any one of my Gaston books.
How’s that for feeling guilty for not having a proper blog posting???