Last week, I told you all about heading to Portland, OR, to see my friend whom I’ve dubbed the Picky Vegetarian (and IS she picky! Her decisive attitude towards food is but one of the things I love about her, though. So I just make ruthless fun of her).

And so last night I took an overnight flight from Portland and arrived back in NYC a little before 8:00. I just emerged from bed. You are all grateful that I took time to brew coffee, or this would be “xxdo? tofoedr4 ert9ight!”

While there, we ate loads of good food (no tomatoes! no eggplant! no tofu!), went to THREE wineries (she barely drinks, so that indulgence was for me alone–see why I love her?) and I went shopping at Powell’s, the world’s most amazing bookstore.

I haven’t done any writing. But I have gotten psyched for it, and mapped out a plan for what I need to do prior to heading to Nashville for this year’s National RWA Conference.

Armed with a plan, I intend to embark on it on Monday. I am not sure what my goal will be–I am thinking of not letting myself read unless I’ve also written that day, but then I think I will go postal (what is the reader equivalent of that? Read-al?), so that likely won’t work. A job well done is gratifying, but not really motivational, for me, at least.


So not sure what I’ll tack up on my pretty red bulletin board to glance at every time I am lured to the dark side (dark side = Twitter, et al). Suggestions welcome.

Meanwhile, hope your Friday is Good, regardless of your religious affiliation, and that your weekend is full of crocuses.
