I know we have a lot of fans of the great Georgette Heyer here…

And we have, in the past, discussed what our favorite Georgette Heyer novels are…

As well as our favorite types of Heyer novels.

And our favorite Heyer covers.

(It is a subject I love to talk about! Heyer, that is. And covers. And Heyer covers.)

But a loop I’m on recently started discussing a slightly different question…

What was the first Heyer you ever read?

Do you remember?

What did you think of it?

Did it make you a lifelong Heyer fan?

Do you also remember the next couple of Heyers you read?

My first was THESE OLD SHADES.

My freshman roommate/friend/etc Heather, who was trying to convert me both to Regency Romances and to the romance genre in general (or to at least open my mind to them, snob that I was), started me with THESE OLD SHADES because (if I recall correctly) she liked it a lot, and also thought there was enough non-romance stuff going on that a non-romance reader (as I was then) would be lured in, until the romance bug bit.

Did it work? Yup.

My next two Heyers, in some order, were VENETIA and THE UNKNOWN AJAX. (Yes, the inimitable Heather has very good taste.)

Those three Heyers are still among my favorites.

So, how about you?

What was your first Heyer? Did it win you over? Do you wish you’d started with a different one?

All answers welcome!

Cara King, author of MY LADY GAMESTER, and fan of the band Genesis (both the Peter and Phil eras), who’s going to see them in concert on Saturday!