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Monthly Archives: October 2009

All About Carolyn’s Book Day

Cover of Indiscreet by Carolyn Jewel Yesterday was release day for my historical Indiscreet. Wild Applause!!! You can find out more (including links to buy or find a store) at my website. If you’d like, you can read Chapters 1 and 2 (also at my website).

About Carolyn’s Book, Indiscreet

Marrying for love can be a challenge. . .

Edward, Marquess of Foye, would have been happy to continue his life as an unmarried gentleman rake. His brother’s death changed everything. As the last of his line, Edward must now marry. Heart already broken by a capricious young girl, he vows to find an older woman-seasoned, mature. . .and no threat to his feelings.

Falling in love can be dangerous. . .

Sabine Godard was educated by an Oxford don beyond what was proper. Her studies became her salvation after her past left her unwilling to accept the touch of any man. Though she never intended to fall in love, when she and Edward meet, passion defies logic. Together they explore temptation and sensuality, healing old wounds. . .until events require them to risk everything for their love.

Oooh, a review of Carolyn’s Book!

There’s a lovely review of Indiscreet at Dear Author. There are other reviews here and there, too, you can find review links at my website (see above).

How we met

Indiscreet and I met, oh, several months ago now, it’s kind of fuzzy and to be honest, I just didn’t know the book that well. But we hit it off well enough and over the months as I got to know Indiscreet, it turned out we had a lot in common. There was a period there when we almost broke up, but we got into therapy (adverb aversion, primal scream, the Word Watcher’s point system (+100 points for every unjustified use of a sentence fragment or comma splice, +1 billion for scenes that don’t make sense or have no conflict). After that intensive work, we were closer than ever. I’m so proud of all we went through!

Carolyn’s Book is Analog AND Digital

Indiscreet is available in the analog (paper) version, complete with pretty cover (see above) and an author picture in the back. If you’re all about 1’s and 0’s, it’s also available in various eBook formats. Google alerts tell me there are pirates eagerly setting sail for my book, but if you’re going to make me a sad and lonely former writer, I must tell you I don’t believe the book has been pirated yet. You may have to wait to walk the plank. (Please do.)

If you read Indiscreet, I hope you enjoy it!

Have a Happy All About Carolyn’s Book day. Tell a friend.

Thanks for your support.

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So the November 1 deadline is on track (thankfully!), though I must push past that point which comes in every WIP, the moment where I am sick of the characters and all their doings and am quite sure no one will ever want to read this story. The End is in sight, I must persevere, and get to the point where I realize it’s not so bad after all! (Plus on Janet’s rec I’m reading The Age of Wonder, which is a terrific book). In the meantime, I don’t have lot of brain cells to spare, so this Tuesday’s blog is a no-brainer return to In or Out. The subject this time–royal brides!

Now, I know that the fact that it’s wedding dresses makes them much of a samness, but still some stand the test of time better than others. Let’s take a look!

Empress Alexandra of Russia (including the real mantle she wore that day). In or Out?

Queen Alexandra of England. In or Out?
Queen Victoria (and her shoes!). It’s said her white, lace-trimmed gown and veil started the whole trend for flouffy white dresses that lasts to this day. Is she In or Out?

Her youngest daughter Princess Beatrice, in the same lace veil. In or Out?
Elizabeth II. In or Out?

Her mother, Elizabeth the Queen Mother. In or Out?
And her sister, Princess Margaret. I have to admit, I love this dress! I wouldn’t mind having one just like it myself. Is she In or Out?

Princess Grace: In or Out?

Princess Charlotte: In or Out?
Catherine the Great: In or Out?
Marie de Medici: In or Out?
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotta, Duchess of Sodermanland and later Queen of Sweden: In or Out?

Princess Diana. When I first saw this gown on TV, my 5 year old self thought this was exactly what a wedding gown should be! Now, of course, it’s pretty well Out, though I have noticed a new trend in wedding gowns towards unwieldy poufiness again. Is it In or Out?

What do you think? Who is in and who is (horrors!) out? What did you wear for your own wedding, and what would your dream gown be??

Now, back to my deadline…

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13th Vendémiaire An IV (look here to see how the French Revolutionists counted time)  or October 5 1795 was known as the Day of the Sections, an important day in Napoleon Bonaparte’s life. 

Before Oct 5, Napoleon’s future did not look promising. He’d been imprisoned for a while after the coup d’état of 9 Thermidor, because he was a friend of Robespierre’s brother. After that he was unemployed and was thinking of leaving France.

But then rich Parisian royalists try to take over the National Convention by force and the Convention hires Compte de Barras to defend it. Barras enlists Napoleon’s help. (He also passes on his mistress to Napoleon; the mistress eventually became his Empress Josephine). Napoleon drives the mob away with a “whiff of grapeshot,” killing about 200 (or 1400, as another site said) and successfully saving the Palace of the Tuileries. 

Napoleon is rewarded with fame, wealth and the patronage of the Directory. He soon is appointed commander of the Army of Italy, thus beginning a long series of victorious campaigns. 

Five years after 13th Vendémiaire An  IV, Napoleon launches his own coup d’etat and makes himself First Consul of France. 

I’m used to thinking of Napoleon as “the enemy,” but he really did a bunch of great things, besides winning battles:
1. Established the Code of Napoleon
2. Established a public school system
3. Reconciled with the Catholic Church
4. Created the Bank of France, stabilizing the currency

5. Restored the Gregorian Calendar and did away with the Revolutionists’ way of counting time 

What else? 
What’s your opinion of Napoleon?

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Today we welcome Avon author Margo Maguire, who has written Medievals, Victorians, Saxons, Celts, Sorcerers, and Regencies, you name it. Today she’s talking about her latest book, in bookstores now, Taken By The Laird.

…There’s something for everyone in this book — romance, sex, ghosts, adventure and mystery….–Linda Roberts, RT Book Reviews

Margo will be giving away two signed books. See the details at the end of the interview.

Welcome, Margo! Tell us about Taken By The Laird.
First of all, thank you for having me on Risky Regencies! I love your site.

Taken by the Laird is the story of Brianna Munro, who flees London rather than staying and marrying the man chosen for her by her callous guardian. She’s impulsive and determined, and when she arrives in Scotland, the weather is brutal. She takes refuge in Castle Glenloch, much of which is in ruins, never expecting to find its laird, Hugh Christie, in residence. Hugh is known in London as a rake and a scoundrel, and all the single young ladies are cautioned against him. Hugh is at Castle Glenloch for the purpose of trying to determine who is sabotaging his smuggling operation. The castle holds terrible memories for Hugh, whose wife committed suicide there some years before. He is now a dedicated bachelor, with absolutely no intention of marrying again. Though he is fairly certain Brianna is lying about her identity – Hugh does not guess that she is the daughter of a viscount, or else he’d get her away from Glenloch immediately.

Taken By The Laird features characters from Wild. Tell us about that book and whether readers should read it first.
No need to read Wild first. Hugh is merely introduced as a friend of Wild’s hero, Anthony Maddox, who was lost in Africa as a child. Here’s the one-line “high concept” that I gave my editor when I proposed this book: The young, female companion to an elderly dowager must become tutor to the woman’s grandson, a young man who was lost while on safari with his father at a young age – who now returns to London to become civilized and take his place in society.was a lot of fun to write. Anthony isn’t exactly a “wild child,” because he’s kept some English artifacts that remind him of home (which also helped to keep the English language alive for him). But he would prefer to return to his perfect environment in Africa. Grace Hawthorne is the starched young companion to Anthony’s grandmother, who finds herself in an untenable situation with a man who has no concept of propriety or decorum. Worse, he doesn’t seem to care that he will hurt his grandmother if he leaves.

We re Risky Regencies. What is “risky” about Taken By The Laird?
For me, the riskiest part of Taken By The Laird was in the writing: balancing the romance with the plot. Smuggling is the reason Hugh is in Scotland in the first place, and someone is obviously stealing from him. There’s a murder, and it has a great deal to do with Hugh’s smuggling operation. I have Brianna, who lies about her identity in order to keep herself concealed from her guardian and bridegroom, and she’s a rather impetuous, unpredictable character. Even I wondered what she was going to do next, and I had a detailed synopsis to work from!

And then there was the ghost. The castle is haunted, but Hugh has never seen the ghost, so he’s always believed the legend was just a ruse to keep people away from the castle … away from the smuggling. But Brianna actually sees it …I had to be relentless in keeping Brianna and Hugh together, and making them irresistible to each other, in spite of everything going on around them. This is a very sexy book!

You set the book in 1829, post-Regency. What drew you to this time period?
This sort of happened by default. Hugh is introduced in Wild, which I’d intended to make a Victorian story, but my editor asked me to move it back, make it earlier. The only problem was that I needed to have the hero, Anthony, lost in Africa some twenty-ish years before, but Englishmen were not going on safari until the late 1700s. They were definitely exploring before then (I think there was a recent Risky blog about Scottish explorer Mungo Park), but I couldn’t imagine Anthony’s father taking him on one of those early expeditions. So I decided he might have brought the boy along on safari in about 1807-08, by which time there’d been a lot of exploration already done, and he could be reasonably sure of the conditions where they were going. Which meant that Wild couldn’t have taken place before about 1829 or so. And since Hugh was introduced in Wild, I had to keep the same time frame for Taken by the Laird.

Did you come across any interesting research while writing the book?
LOL! There is always so much, all the little details, that seem inconsequential. But they’re crucial to a story. For this one, I had to research smuggling (known as free-trading): where it was done, what products were smuggled, how it was financed, who the customs agents were, what kind of ships were used, how the contraband would be stored – and I wanted to know how it would take place in Scotland. Not that all of this information is laid out in Taken by the Laird, but I always have to . Because other factors that do turn up in the book might depend upon the background information that will forever lie hidden in my notes.

What’s next for you?
My next book from Avon is a Regency that will be out in May, 2010, called The Rogue Prince. It’s set in 1817, and was an absolute treat to write. The hero, Thomas Thorne, is a man who was wrongly convicted of a crime and spent years in an Australian penal colony. By a twist of fate, he becomes incredibly wealthy. But when he returns to London to take revenge against the two boys (now men) who accused him, he falls for the woman who is the widow of one, and stepsister of the other.

I also contributed a couple of short stories, one coming out in December in The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance and the other in January in The Mammoth Book of Irish Romance. Both were departures from my usual fare, so they were a lot of fun to write!

In honor of my visit here to Risky Regencies AND my birthday, which is this Tuesday, I’d love to give away a copy of Wild, and one of Taken by the Laird.

Thanks for hosting me today, ladies!

Thanks for coming, Margo! Winners will be chosen at random from our commenters, so be sure to ask Margo a question, or tell her what you think about these intriguing books!

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