Sorry, you’ve been tricked. I am not the glorious and industrious Amanda McCabe, all ready with this totally awesome post about interesting historical figures. Nope.

By the time this posts, it will be the eve of the American holiday, Thanksgiving. Setting aside some of the painful ironies of the historical event, I’ve always thought Thanksgiving is one of the better holidays out there. It’s not a holiday based on a religious or pagan event. Instead, we Americans get to eat great food, cheer for the Cowboys to lose (Sorry, Niner fan here) and spend time with family.

What’s always fascinated me about Thanksgiving is how many of us take the Thanks seriously. I’ve always thought Samuel Pepys habit of taking account of his finances at the New Year was a great tradition. But I never do that. Because I don’t want to be depressed.

Figuring out things I am thankful for is way more fun.

Here’s my list. In no particular order. I swear.

  • My writing friends. Thank goodness there are people out there who understand.
  • My son. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • My iPhone. come here, little iPhone. Let me pet you….
  • European Sipping Chocolate at Viva Cocolat. It’s a wicked addiction. If you click through, you can see the black couch and chair where I often sit with my fellow writing-chocoholics and talk about books.
  • Susan Boyle. I’ve watched her Britain’s Got Talent First Round performance a bazillion times and I’m ALWAYS blown away and thrilled. I have her CD now, and now I can listen all day. Which I did today. Thanks, Susan!
  • My agent. Seriously.
  • Alexander Skarsgard. I am profoundly grateful for the distraction.
  • Creative people in general. You folks blow me away, from favorite writers, musicians, actors, directors, artists and on and on. You put beauty into my life, and for that am truly grateful.
  • The men and women who came before me and ensured that I live in a world that is better for me than it was for them. Here’s a few:
    • Martin Luther King, Jr.
    • John Stuart Mill
    • Mahatma Gandhi
    • Nelson Mandela
    • Betty Freidan
    • Gloria Steinam
    • Rachel Carson
    • Hannah Arendt
    • Ellie Weisel
    • Louis Pasteur
    • Alexander Fleming
    • Elizabeth Blackwell

  • The men and women of our Armed Forces. I may not agree with how we got there, but thank you for serving our country.
  • Pumpkin pie.
  • Readers. Even if you don’t read my books. (Really? You don’t? sniff)
  • Joe Montana. I was a San Francisco 49ers season ticket holder while Montana was the quarterback, and let me tell you, I have never ever seen anyone transform an event by just stepping on the field. Amazing. Thank you, Joe!
  • Laura Kinsale

How about you?