As I slowly wade my way through revisions today, be sure and check out my post from Sunday and make comments there or here–I will announce the winner at the end of the day! And “Taming” has a new review today….
And btw how great was Birdsong on “Masterpiece” last weekend?? It was sorta like the dark-dark side of Downtown Abbey…
I was inspired by Megan’s Quizilla post a few days ago (and also seeking to procrastinate at work!), so spent waaay too much time taking on-line quizzes and reading various England-travel websites planning a fantasy tour. The product is today’s post–a fill–in-the-blank Janeite quiz I found! Each quote comes from an Austen novel (and movie, as the case may be), and you just have to fill in the blanks with the missing word. (I got 7 out of the 10 right). I’ll post answers tomorrow, and just for fun will send a copy of one of my books to the person who posts the most right answers here before then!
1) “For what do we live, but to make ( ) for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?”
a) Amusement
b) Sport
c) Spruce beer
2) “Oh, who can ever be tired of ( )?”
a) Bath
b) Brighton
c) cake
3) “One half of the world cannot understand the ( ) of the other”
a) Jokes
b) Amusement
c) Pleasures
4) “A large ( ) is the best recipe for happiness I have ever heard of”
a) Income
b) Estate
c) Umbrella
5) “An ( ) is a very serious business”
a) Engagement
b) Annuity
c) Entailment
6) “There will be very few dates in this ( )”
a) History
b) Pudding
c) Loaf
7) “I am cruelly used, nobody feels for my poor ( )”
a) Daughters
b) Health
c) Nerves
8) “A ( ) boiled very soft is very wholesome”
a) Fowl
b) Calf’s foot
c) Egg
9) “A lady, without family, was the best preserver of ( ) in this world”
a) Fruit
b) Furniture
c) Flowers
10) “and what are you reading, Miss…?” “Oh,, it is only ( )”
a) Fordyce’s Sermons
b) a letter
c) a novel
We (well, I, Amanda) interrupt your regular risky program to say I’m going to be chatting at The Mystic Castle website tonight at 9 EST (, and to beg you to drop in, if you can. I’m always afraid I’ll end up talking to myself at these things. 🙂 Now back to your regular program…
This year marks the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee (as well as the Olympics, so if you are headed to London this summer yay for you!). I found out that the exhibit this year at Buckingham Palace is, apropos enough, some of the Queen’s best diamonds. I thought I would share a few pics of some of my personal favorite royal jewels, because, well, it’s Tuesday, I’m buried in revisions, and I love to look at some sparkly. I tried to keep it to the Queen’s own jewels, not crown stuff or complicated things like the Cullinan diamonds or the crowns. They deserve their own post later.
And if you’re still not done with style and sparkle, be sure and check out the crazy that was the Met Ball last night. Gwyneth…why???
Jewel One: The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara (my personal favorite of all the royal tiaras!). As you might have guessed, this was a wedding gift to Queen Mary from (yep) some girls of Great Britain and Ireland. In her thank-you note, Mary wrote “I need scarcely assure you that the tiara will ever be one of my most valued wedding gifts,” and it has been ever since
Jewel Two: Queen Alexandra’s Kokoshnik Tiara. Because I am a sucker for anything “Russian”, and this was a silver wedding anniversary gift to Queen Alexandra (the empress of “never enough bling”), based on tiaras belonging to her sister Empress Marie of Russia…
Jewel Three: The queen’s 18th birthday bracelet…
Jewel Four: Some brooches (because I couldn’t choose just one from a lady who loves her a sparkly brooch!). But my own fave is the sapphire Prince Albert brooch, a wedding gift from Albert to Victoria and willed to the Crown after her death…
Jewel Five: The queen’s 3-carat engagement ring…
And Jewel Six: (yes, yes, it wasn’t the queen’s at all, but Princess Margaret’s, and was sadly sold after her death, but I am in deep, deep love with the Poltimore Tiara)
And there you have it! Just a few examples from the vast royal treasure cave. I like this because they have something personal about them and the queen seems to like them too. What are some of your favorites??