I’m still fighting this stupid sinus infection and feeling very holiday-challenged. All I really want to do right now is curl up under the covers.

When I feel this way I crave Comfort TV, less caloric than comfort food and possibly a bit healthier. My Comfort TV consists of makeover, decorating and cooking shows, and a smattering of comedy. Some of my favorites are What Not to Wear, (both the American and British versions), Changing Rooms (crazy decor, cute designers and all the different British accents–what’s not to love?), Emeril and Whose Line is it Anyway?.

The one drawback to Comfort TV at this season is the commercials, which bring out my inner Scrooge like nothing else. Tops on my Most Egregious Commercials List:

  • Singing greeting cards held by mute human beings swaying to the tinny electronic tunes. Blech.
  • The one that says it’s not your clothes (music, favorite color, neighborhood, etc…) that say the most about you, it’s your watch. Blech again. (Did they not think to include the books you read? Philistines.)
  • Electronic learning toy commercials that imply your child will not get into college if you don’t buy them. (How about buying them books instead? How about actually reading with them?)

The good thing is one can escape to commercial-free Comfort Reading. My favorite providers are Georgette Heyer and Loretta Chase. When I’m done with this post I’m slinking back to bed with LORD PERFECT.

Do you indulge in Comfort TV or Comfort Reading? What are your favorites?

And which holiday commercials bug you the most?


P.S. The picture is of Bill Gorman playing Scrooge at the Cider Mill Playhouse in Endicott, NY and looking a good bit better than I do at the moment!