BLOG PARTY DAILY CONTEST! Comment on this post for the chance to win a copy of Elena Greene’s September release, LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE. (Comments may be posted through Saturday, January 14.)
I’m feeling very self-indulgent today. My New Year’s resolutions don’t allow me to pig out on chocolate, so I’ll treat myself and everyone to some eye-candy instead.
So here they are. As many cinematic Mr. Darcys as I could find. Enjoy!
Laurence Olivier (above left), playing Darcy opposite Greer Garson in the 1940’s version. Elegance and arrogance—almost (but not quite) good enough to distract me from the ridiculous leftover “Gone with the Wind” costumes worn by the actresses!
David Rintoul (right), playing opposite Elizabeth Garvie in the 1985 BBC production. I have to admit, he looked good but his acting was so very stiff, so haughty (not even softening much at the end) that I felt they could have substituted one of those lifesize cardboard figures (the sort you often see of Lord of the Rings characters, etc…)
Colin Firth (left), playing opposite Jennifer Ehle in the 1995 A&E version. The first Darcy to really work for me—kind of like my first love. What a gorgeous man, with such speaking eyes and such a sexy voice….
Ahem, moving along.
Orlando Seale (right), playing opposite Kam Heskin in “Pride & Prejudice: A Latter Day Comedy” (2003). I once caught a few minutes of this Mormon reinterpretation, couldn’t watch it all, but it looked cute. As does he. If anyone has seen the whole movie, I’d love to hear your opinions!
Martin Henderson (left), starring with Aishwarya Rai in the Bollywood production “Bride & Prejudice” (2004). Intriguing, definitely on my “must rent sometime” list. Has anyone seen this? What did you think?
Matthew McFadyen (right), opposite Keira Knightley in the recent Working Title Films adaptation. Not a pretty boy, and a new interpretation of Darcy, showing a shyness and a vulnerability that I found very appealing. His performance grew on me even more on the second viewing of the film. I don’t know, Colin may just have to move over…
So who is your favorite Darcy? And why? The guest with the most original and/or passionate answer will win a copy of LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE.
Don’t forget you can still comment on the earlier posts to win books by Janet Mullany and Cara King. And be sure to enter the Treasure Hunt for a grand prize including books by all the Riskies!
LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, 2005 Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee