This is strictly speaking a fall event, when the UK edition of The Rules of Gentility is released by Little Black Dress UK–their first ever historical. And here’s the cover, with a whopping big typo on it because designers can’t spell. Isn’t it cute … and pink. Very pink. Girly. I like it.

And my horn-tooting over, I want to talk about summer. What are your plans?

I know it’s only April, but I walked from work to the Metro in gorgeous weather–sunny and in the seventies (divine intervention–the Pope is in town, with nuns leaping out of birthday cakes yesterday, and forming cheerleader squads at a mass Mass in the new baseball stadium today). The cherry blossoms were giving way to azaleas, and all I could think of was oh my god I don’t have any sunscreen.

So that’s on the list. Plus, summer pants. I wore mine to travel to Dallas last year for Nationals and upon arrival found they had a huge hole in the butt