Oh, geez. Friday already?

Last week, I talked about great book beginnings. I’ve since changed mine to this:

“If you don’t get your stinkin’ farmer’s hands off me, I will rip your head off and feed it to your pigs.”

Spoken by the hero, of course, a sharp(e)-tempered man bent on revenge. I’ve now got three chapters under my belt, and I have to write the synopsis. Ugh.

To inspire my writing, I’ve started reading Sharpe’s Havoc, a Richard Sharpe book by Bernard Cornwell set in Portugal in 1809 (Elena posted about Sharpe in India, too, if you wanna read more about him).

I don’t know if any author as skilfully embeds history within exciting action; sure, Cornwell takes liberties with some aspects of the Napoleonic Wars, but in general he gives you the feeling of what it must have been like to be there. Awesome, awesome writing and a super-compelling hero (Cornwell’s site, www.bernardcornwell.net, is great for more insight into his most famous character. I would say ‘memorable,’ but I also really liked Thomas of Hookton in the Grail Chronicles).

And inbetween all this “research” (did I mention I got some of the Sharpe miniseries from the library? Yeah, pure research, baby), I’ve been watching ladies win on Top Chef and Celtics win in Los Angeles. Plus getting back to the gym for the first time in 2 1/2 months.

Which is why I am late, and aghast it is Friday.

So I have very little to offer here, except that it is finally cooling off some, I cannot wait to see the Incredible Hulk, freaking out that my son gets out of school for the summer in a week and a half, that National is next month (!), and that I am finally writing fresh stuff again.

In other words, life is good, and I am dull. So let’s talk about you, instead.

What are you doing this summer?