Happy new year, everyone and big congrats to Carolyn on her release this week!

This was quite a week for me as I finished both my second Jane as a vamp book (no title yet) and revisions for my Harlequin Spice contemporary, Tell Me More (August 2011). I found Jane 2 an incredibly difficult book to write and it weighed me down like a millstone around my neck that I couldn’t move forward on it–I had one major false start so I got off to a late start. I have been absolutely euphoric ever since Sunday night, when I sent it in, and pretty happy about the revisions that I sent in Tuesday.

So having spent the last few months in a state of whiny self pity squeezing out Jane 2 and Mr. Bishop and the Actress (Little Black Dress, next month!) and not allowing myself to do things because I had to write (I wasn’t very productive but I spent a lot of energy agonizing), I really feel this new year is a fresh start.

I don’t make resolutions, but this is what I hope to do in 2011:

  • Go to things–the Smithsonian is on my doorstep (more or less)
  • Hang out with friends
  • Write at a reasonable pace
  • Go to the library
  • Update my website and try and develop a more cheerful, giggly and milk-chocolatey online persona
  • Give back–judge a few contests. Also if you’re considering entering WRW’s Marlene contest and win the historical, you’ll get a critique from me!
  • Come up with brilliant ideas for next books and make huge amounts of $
  • Exercise, watch what I eat, clean the house, get the ivy up in the front yard and do something about the back blah blah blah
  • Paint stairwell I put undercoat on at least ten years ago and make my house a lurrrve nest

Sounds all fairly doable, right? But right now I’m going to take a nap. Happy new year, dear Risky friends. What are you up to today?