Holidays of the season are right behind us — Happy Hanukah — and just ahead — Merry Christmas. Please lets share with each other a gift of the season. Tell us your favorite holiday romance, historical, contemporary and/or Paranormal. I’ll give you one of each. The Regency is first.

mistletoe-hh_350Riskies own Diane Gaston’s ‘Twelfth Night’s Tale” in the anthology MISTLEOE KISSES. I love the story and from it I learned it’s easier to write a novella if you start in the “middle” of the relationship.

Contemporary has to be the novella ‘December Wedding’ Emelle Gamble’s final pages of the 51-iz0Zg0WL._AA160_Molly Harper story. A wonderfully happy ending for two characters who worked had to get there. It’s a stand alone novella available in all formats  including audio.

My paranormal choice is in the anthology IRRESISTIBLE FORCES, the novella ‘Winterfair Gifts’ by Lois McMaster Bujold. 51a2ftsZdJL._AA160_Not a Hannukah or Christmas story but Winterfair, on a far away planet, is cast in a similar holiday tradition. Like Gamble’s novella this one is a gift to readers ending a two book arc in typical Miles Vorkosigan style with chaos, mystery and humor.

Your turn! And a very Happy New year to all, Mary