Welcome to the Risky Regencies JANE AUSTEN MOVIE CLUB!

Today we’re discussing the new BBC adaptation of SENSE AND SENSIBILITY.

Or, at least, we’re discussing the first half of it. We’ll discuss the second half next Tuesday!

So…what did you think of the casting, costumes, carriages, country-dances, or anything else?

To aid the discussion, here are the major credits:

Screenplay: Andrew Davies

Director: John Alexander


Marianne Dashwood: Charity Wakefield

Elinor Dashwood: Hattie Morahan

Margaret Dashwood: Lucy Boynton

John Dashwood: Mark Gatiss

Fanny Dashwood: Claire Skinner

Mrs. Dashwood: Janet McTeer

Colonel Brandon: David Morrissey

Edward Ferrars: Dan Stevens

The non-horrific-looking Dan Stevens has recently appeared in television adaptations of both FRANKENSTEIN and DRACULA.

Robert Ferrars: Leo Bill

Lady Middleton: Rosanna Lavelle

Mrs. Jennings: Linda Bassett

Sir John Middleton: Mark Williams

Are you wondering why Mark Williams looks familiar? He plays Arthur Weasley in the HARRY POTTER movies. He was also seen in the recent TRISTRAM SHANDY (a.k.a. A COCK AND BULL STORY.)

Charlotte Palmer: Tabitha Wady

Miss Steele: Daisy Haggard

Lucy Steele: Anna Madeley

Mr. Palmer: Tim McMullan

Willoughby: Dominic Cooper

Fans of BECOMING JANE’S James McAvoy may have seen Dominic Cooper in STARTER FOR TEN; Cooper also gained notice in HISTORY BOYS. Later this year he will appear alongside Keira Knightley in THE DUCHESS.

Eliza: Caroline Hayes

Mrs. Ferrars: Jean Marsh

So…please let us know what you thought of it!

All opinions welcome!

(And if you’re interested in finding out which Austen adaptations we’ve already discussed, and adding your point of view, just click on the “Jane Austen Movie Club” link below!)

Cara King, who has more sense than sensibility…and more hair than wit…