I’ve been sitting here trying to think of a blog topic, but I’m plagued with random thoughts, none of which translate into a blog. Here they are, in no particular order.

IMG_0254Snow – We had yet another snow storm last week, a big one for the Washington, DC, area, but how many times can I blog about snow or about Regency snow storms? I’ve done it before here and here and here. You don’t want to read about snow anymore.

Naming characters – I’m starting a new book and am in the very beginning phases, one of which is selecting new character names. I ran across a new-to-me baby naming website that looks to be a great resource for character names. It occurred to me that I could do a blog about how I name characters, but is that interesting enough? I feel like I’ve done that before (I have. See here)Regency_lot6

Marriage of Convenience – My new story is going to be a marriage of convenience plot, one of my favorite Regency tropes, so I could write about Marriage of Convenience plots or about regency tropes. I wrote one of those a long time ago. Here, by the way, is a good list of regency tropes.

Polishing your Writing One Word At A Time – Probably the reason I can’t settle on a blog topic is I must be polishing the workshop presentation I’m giving this coming Saturday, Feb 22, for Space Coast Romance Writers (the Florida STARS). If you are nearby and interested in attending, here are the detailslogo6

What are your random thoughts today?

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