The Riskies have decided to try something a little different for us. And you. A Regency Read Along.

What’s that, you ask?
Well, we’d all read the same book, something Regency set, and then we’d have the opportunity to discuss what we liked, disliked, adored, were bored or what have you, in re the selected book.
The peeps who stop by this blog are pretty awesome and I know I’d love to know what you guys thing about a book. I think we could have a pretty awesome discussion.
If I can manage it, I thought I’d see if I can talk an academic sort into providing some questions, background and/or literary thoughts to supplement the discussion. Nobody has to write an essay. No quizzes. Just discussion about a Regency Romance.
We’ll offer a prize or two to some of the people who join in our discussion, too.
The vague parameters are that we’d chose a book to read then start reading sometime in early March, (after various and sundry parties are done reading RITA books). The book would be by an author who is no longer living so no one has to feel they shouldn’t offer a criticism or complaint because he or she does not want to hurt any one’s feelings. After some period of reading we’d start talking about the book.
Pretty simple, I think.
Here’s where your help would be appreciated.
I thought we could start with a book by Georgette Heyer. There are two that occur to me right away because I haven’t read them yet:
  • These Old Shades
  • Devil’s Cub
But that is not a long list. What are your suggestions for a book to read? Any thoughts about the event itself?