ElenaGreene_FlyWithARogue_800pxFly with a Rogue, my new Regency-set historical romance, is now out on Kindle and Nook. (You can learn more and read an excerpt here.) The paperback version and other e-book formats are still in progress, coming next week. I’m also busy reviewing the audiobook version of Lady Dearing’s Masquerade and taking my daughters back-to-school shopping, so it’s been a crazy week. But how blessed I am to be buried under so many happy tasks!

Those of you who’ve followed this blog for a while know that my husband suffered a severe stroke over four years ago. For several years, I couldn’t write at all and even once I started to schedule time for it, the writing often had to take a back seat so I could deal things like challenges to my husband’s disability status, episodes of bullying in middle school, and times when I thought we should be getting a frequent customer discount from the plumber.

There were times I felt like a fake. Real writers are supposed to write every day, right? So I need to thank everyone here for taking my aspirations seriously, or at least pretending to. I wouldn’t blame anyone for wondering if this story would ever get done!

But here it is, and in celebration I’d like to give away 5 copies of the e-book version. Please share something or someone you’re grateful for. Comment by Thursday, 8/29, and I’ll pick 5 winners at random, to be announced on Friday, 8/30.
