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Today, August 16, is the anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre of 1816 that Diane mentioned on her Monday post, when a peaceful meeting of people seeking reform of the Parliamentary system were attacked by the military, leaving eleven dead and over five hundred wounded.

Organized by the Manchester Patriotic Union Society, a large crowd of millworkers from all over Lancashire gathered in St. Peters Field, Manchester that day–anywhere between 30,000 and 153,00, depending on which source you believe–to hear Henry “Orator” Hunt and others speak. It was apparently a glorious summer day and there was a holiday atmosphere, with people wearing their Sunday best.

Local magistrates, however, were convinced the meeting would become a riot, and had arranged for troop to stand by. They sent in the local militia, the Manchester and Salford Yeomanry, who attacked the cart that formed the speakers’ platform. The 15th Hussars were then sent in to “rescue” the Yeomanry and although at first people tried to stand their ground by linking hands, they were cut down and forced to flee–many were hurt by being trampled in the panic. The speakers and newspaper reporters were arrested and imprisoned.

The woman in the white dress on the platform is thought to be Mary Hildes, a passionate radical who formed the Manchester Female Reform Group, and was one of the main speakers at Peterloo. She was also an early proponent of birth control and when she attempted to distribute books on the subject she was accused in the local press of selling pornography. The women radicals didn’t campaign, though, for female suffrage, but supported the male radical cause. They weren’t taken seriously by the press (of course), and not even by other women. As The Times reported that day:

A group of women of Manchester, attracted by the crowd, came to the corner of the street where we had taken our post. They viewed the Oldham Female Reformers for some time with a look in which compassion and disgust was equally blended, and at last burst out into an indignant exclamation–“Go home to your families, and leave sike-like as these to your husbands and sons, who better understand them.”

Many were outraged by the massacre, including local mill owners who witnessed it. James Wroe of the Manchester Observer was probably the first to call the massacre “Peterloo,” in ironic reference to Waterloo. The government supported the action of the troops, and by the end of the year had passed the infamous Six Acts that suppressed freedom of speech and of the press and made radical gatherings illegal. There wasn’t a public enquiry into Peterloo until 1820. It wasn’t until 1832 that the Reform Bill corrected some of the worst injustices of the electoral system and in 1918 all men, and women over 30, were given the vote.

So what was the situation before 1832? About one in ten men could vote, because the right to vote was tied in to income and property and the areas represented ignored population shifts. Over sixty “Rotten Boroughs,” scarcely populated areas, or “Pocket Boroughs,” shoo-ins for local landowners were represented, but the huge industrial towns like Manchester were barely represented at all. Also voting was not done by ballot, so the few who could vote could easily be coerced or bribed. Middlemarch by George Eliot is set in this period.

We don’t often read or write about the “other side” of the Regency since so many books deal with the fluffier, lighter side of the ton, a sort of Regencyland we’ve created. Would you like to see more history or do you prefer to keep the fantasy intact?

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I am delighted to announce that MY LADY GAMESTER will be translated into German — and so I will join the other Riskies as one of the many foreign authors published by German romance publisher Cora. (It’s old hat for a lot of authors, but it’s a first for me, so I’m excited!)

So now I’m wondering….what will they call it? To educate myself, I checked out how Cora has changed the titles of some other Regencies. (I have had Todd and his dictionaries translate the German titles for us, to the best of his abilities, but he doesn’t vouch for their correctness. If anyone spots an error, please mention it!)


Betrayed and Betrothed


A Gentleman Bets and Wins! (Ein Gentleman Wagt — Und Gewinnt!)

And, yes, the exclamation point is in the German title — it wasn’t added by me!

I think the English title here is sharp — I love it — but I have to admit, the German title is fun.


The Marriage Debt


My Beloved Angel (Mein Geliebter Engel)

I think “The Marriage Debt” is an intriguing title, whereas “My Beloved Angel” seems a tad overdone to me… What do you think?


A Match for Melissa


Only a Long Waltz? (Nur Einen Walzer Lang?)

I think the English title is fine here, but the German title is really interesting, at least rendered in English! I’m guessing it means something like “Was it love…or was it only a long waltz?” 🙂


Twin Peril


With the Eye of Love (Mit Den Augen Der Liebe)

I’ve always liked the title “Twin Peril” — it’s fun, it’s unusual, and it actually tells you something about the book. “With the Eye of Love,” on the other hand? Not so much. (If a title can be used for any romance ever written, how can it not be boring?)


Cut From the Same Cloth


Enchanting Lady Elizabeth (Zauberhafte Lady Elizabeth)

Here too, the English title is less generic than the German. Not that there’s anything particularly wrong with “Enchanting Lady Elizabeth” — but it doesn’t do anything. “Cut From the Same Cloth,” on the other hand, is unusual enough to make me curious.


Rosamund’s Revenge


Secret Love Letters (Geheime Liebesbriefe)

To me, “Rosamund’s Revenge” has more oomph, but “Secret Love Letters” is definitely interesting. (I presume it sounds a little more poetic in German.)

So…what do you think? Which titles do you prefer in the original, and which in the German?

And the question of the day: what do you think they’ll call MY LADY GAMESTER? (Bizarre or random guesses heartily welcomed!)

Cara King, author of MY LADY GAMESTER (not to be confused with My Lady Hamster)

August always feels like the doldrums of the year to me. I wish I could be like the French, and spend the whole month at the beach or the mountains. The weather is hot (over 100 degrees for the past week, and likely to stay so for the rest of the month!), nothing much gets done at work and yet everyone is strangely cranky. Workplace Sweetie is gone for a couple of weeks. I’m having a hard time concentrating in reading or writing, or doing anything besides watching dumb summer TV and drinking gallons of iced tea. If it wasn’t for Anthony Bourdain’s hilarious stint guest-judging on Top Chef, I would have nothing. It’s a good thing I’m going on vacation next week, visiting Risky Diane and taking in the colonial fun of Williamsburg! Shopping for tricorne hats is just what I need to escape the August blahs.
Luckily, I haven’t spent all my time watching America’s Got Very Mediocre Talent! I got the Official word I’ll be doing 4 more books for Harlequin. You can look for Nicolai’s story (still with no Official title!) in April ’08. And you can see a review of A Notorious Woman here. And I got to see Becoming Jane this morning!

I went in telling myself sternly, “This is not a story about the author Jane Austen who lived from 1775 to 1817. It is just a Regency romance with a heroine named Jane.” And that seemed to help. The movie did seem to have many elements in common with some modern Regency-set romances. So–I didn’t hate it. Neither did I love it. It was quite silly in many ways, and what is worse, was sometimes quite boring. But I enjoyed some of the costumes; most of the acting (Anne Hathaway was better than I expected, though Anna Maxwell Martin, who was so good in the recent Bleak House, was mostly wasted as Cassandra); James McAvoy with his shirt off. And those boots he wore. I got to see a preview for Elizabeth: The Golden Age–Clive Owen, excellent choice to play Walter Raleigh. And the theater was air conditioned, and I got to eat a packet of Sour Patch Kids. Maybe silliness was what I needed today.

How do you pull yourself out of summer laziness? Any advice for me? And what’s your favorite movie snack? (Told you I was feeling silly today…)

I’m something of a visual writer–I like to know what my characters look like when I start work on a story! Sometimes they’re just an image in my mind. Sometimes, like what we chatted about last week with Rufus Sewell as ‘my’ hero Marc in A Notorious Woman, they look like an actor or celebrity, in which case I cut out pics of them and post them around my computer (these are some of the photos I had while I was writing ANW, hence the atrocious scanning quality!).
(My heroine, Julietta, BTW, looks like Isabelle Adjani in the movie Queen Margot, though not as fancily dressed as in this pic! )

I feel the same about setting. It’s especially fun when a book has a dramatic setting to reflect its action, like Venice, or, in my current WIP, 1818 Sicily. The island’s rugged beauty and complex mythos are a significant part of the story. But even with less “flashy” settings, such as an English country house, an art museum, or Henry VIII’s palace at Greenwich (which now exists only in sketches), I want to know what it feels like to be there. So, I also put pics of landscapes and buildings up around the computer. My desk gets pretty cluttered, what with all the photos and good-luck charms.

Right now, I’m trying to get a vision for that Sicilian book (the second of the “Muses of Mayfair” series–Clio’s story!). I’m not too sure yet about the hero. I think he looks a bit like the actor from that uber-cheesy Barbara Cartland TV movie Duel of Hearts. The one where that blond Nazi woman from the Indiana Jones movie plays a duchess or something who pretends to be a lady’s companion (while still wearing her jewels and silk gowns) to get close to the hero and warn him his eeeeevil cousin is trying to kill him, which he is too stupid to see for himself even though the villain practically twirls his mustache in every scene. There’s a circus, a crazy woman in the attic, phaeton races, and a big costume ball, plus a sweet secondary romance. If you haven’t seen it, it’s fabulous in a totally cornball way. Anyway, the point is my new hero, the Duke of Averton, looks sort of like him, but is a much better actor, and would have dispatched that cousin immediately because he is not a complete numbskull like the Cartland hero.

My heroine stubbornly wants to look like Keira Knightley. Tall, lanky, beautiful but sort of tomboyish (she goes off alone a lot, digging for antiquities). Since Clio is rather willful (but not, I hasten to add, the dreaded feisty), I let her have her way. “Fine,” I say. “Be Keira Knightley. But no pigs in the house.”
And speaking of Keira Knightley, I read this week that she is set to star in a movie called The Duchess, where she’ll play Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. I can’t find any info about who might play the other parts, or if they will actually film at Chatsworth or anything. I always get very excited about big costume films, and certainly Georgiana’s turbulent life has “Exciting Movie” written all over it. I’m just not sure Knightley is exactly what I picture Georgiana looking like (not that they asked me). Not sure what I would picture, though. But I guess really there is no getting away from Keira Knightley. She seems to pop up in so many projects I find interesting (the remake of Dr. Zhivago, where I thought that actress who played Tonya totally overshadowed her; the film of Ian McEwan’s excellent Atonement; Pride and Prejudice, of course). Can’t wait to see what happens in The Duchess.
Do you “picture” your characters, or the characters of books you read, as real people? Are there any favorites who crop up a lot (Diane+Gerard, for example. Or Amanda+Orlando, and Megan+Clive!)? And if you were to make a movie of a favorite historical figure, who would you cast? (I find this especially fascinating right now, as I’m hoping to see Becoming Jane this afternoon!)
p.s. Since I wrote this, I found out Becoming Jane is not yet playing anywhere near me! So that will have to wait. I might go see No Reservations instead…
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