No, not the name of an undiscovered Austen book.

I’m thrilled to announce that I have discovered a new timesuck.


Lots of good stuff there. I hope someone will eventually add an Austen clip for our edification and enjoyment.

MI0000315907Today is my writing day and I’m all set up in the eyrie (ok it’s on the second floor but eyrie sounds so much better) with a thermos jug of tea and snacks which I seem to have eaten already. I’ve dusted off my writing CDs, an opera compilation, Ann Sofie von Otter’s crossover album with Elvis Costello For the Stars, and Handel’s Messiah. I know, weird, but I like to listen to vocal music when I write. I have yoga blocks and a couple of short workout videos bookmarked  if I need to take a break.

Six months ago I wasn’t even sure if I’d ever write again. Zero ideas, zero motivation, zero interest. But it’s come back and whether it was because I feared I might actually have to start cleaning the house and attacking the weeds outside as a substitute, or I’d have nothing to talk about, who knows.

So I’ve started a new three-book series (with an alpha male hero, no less!), resurrected something old, and am preparing a workshop on writing comedy. (Title so far, which is about all there is: Romance: It’s No Laughing Matter.)

What about you? What are you up to?