Doh! I forgot to post the winner of the Kyoto Fashion Book.

Jo’s Daughter

Email me yourfull mailing address and I will get the book into the mail for you. Though, realistically, not until after RWA.

Read Along

Through the magic of Carolyn being in Charge, I give you three Layton books to choose from. All of them have Kindle versions. Vote for your choice in the comments

To Wed A Stranger
Is it possible? The breathtaking Lady Annabelle has actually agreed to marry, sight unseen, a gentleman of her father’s choosing — the self-proclaimed “exceptionally average” Miles Croft. The ton is aghast! After scandalously toying with so many hearts, why is the exquisite Annabelle chaining herself to the new Viscount Pelham, a complete — albeit most attractive — stranger? Could it be that her own heart has been irreparably shattered, and she wants nothing more to do with romance?

Yet there is certainly nothing “average” about their wedding night! There is magic in Mile’s touch, and the smoldering ecstasy it ignites threatens to consume them both. Dare Annabelle dream this is the one passionate and enduring love she ached for in secret, but never dreamed she’d be worthy of? Might this tender, mysterious lover truly be the scarlet lady’s redemption — and could she be Mile’s as well?

The Devil’s Bargain
Katherine Corbet abhors injustice — and is happy to assist the disturbingly attractive Sir Alasdair St. Erth quash the brazen schemes of a marriage-minded opportunist. But appearing on the arm of the dark, dashing rogue at London balls as his interest will never be more than a sham — no matter how Katherine’s aching heart yearns for more.

This naive country miss is ideal! With Katherine’s unsuspecting assistance, Alasdair can at long last take his revenge on an old, hated enemy — though it pains him to use such an innocent in this unscrupulous manner. Worse still is the longing she inspires within him, a passionate need to taste the sweetness of her lips. Alasdair knows his vengeful plan could destroy a fragile, blossoming love. And when he finally releases Katherine from his devil’s bargain, will he truly be able to let her go?

The Choice
There was no back blurb, so here’s a review descritpion:
One of romance’s most gifted authors, Layton (The Cad) here tells the story of the ethereally beautiful Gilly Giles, desired by many but deemed unmarriageable because she has neither fortune nor family (although she is, mysteriously, a nobleman’s ward). When the malevolent rake Dearborne, seeking vengeance because Gilly has spurned him, announces to a crowded ball that he has seen her in a strange man’s arms, Damon Ryder, newly returned from making his fortune in America, preserves Gilly’s fragile reputation. Thinking quickly, Damon claims that he and Gilly are engaged; they must maintain the farce at least through the social season. During this time, Damon falls in love, and Gilly blossoms into full womanhood. Alas, two other men complicate affairs. One is the nobleman whom Gilly thinks she loves, the other a libertine eager to take advantage of her confused emotions. This is a top-notch Regency, told with flair and fraught with sexual tension.