That’s one of the traditional sayings in England (and a lot of other places too) for the first day of the month. I have no idea why or what it means. Another tradition is to sidle up to someone and say, with appropriate gestures, A pinch and a punch for the first of the month–very popular among children–and then run before they can retaliate with A pinch and a kick for being so quick. Again, other than the opportunity for random violence, I have no idea of the origins.

Today, March 1, is also the feast day of St. David, the patron saint of Wales–and here’s the Regency connection–he was responsible for creating the warm springs of Bath! Apparently he also liked dancing with large rams while wearing an eyepatch.

March 1 is also the day on which William Caxton, a former wool merchant, began his translation into English of The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye for Margaret of Burgundy, sister of the King of England. Caxton set up a printing press in Bruges and printed his translation, the first book in the English language, in 1475. He moved his printing business to London, where his books included two editions of The Canterbury Tales.

And in other literary news, the first edition of The Spectator was published on March 1, 1711.

Do you have any first of the month rituals? Do you have any particular goals for this month, writing or personal, you’d like to share? Mine are to finish revisions on one book, update my website, and, oh, all the usual stuff about not eating so much etc.

Janet, Noodler of the Month at