My Christmas “gifts” came early this year – two requests for revisions for Diane Gaston’s newest Harlequin Mills & Boon, The Vanishing Viscountess, and Diane Perkins’ latest Warner Forever, Desire in His Eyes.

After an author turns in a completed manuscript, the next step in the publishing process is for the editor to read through it and write a revision letter with things the editor thinks should be changed. It was my luck that my HMB revisions came incredibly fast and my Warner revisions came sorta late and that they both came at Christmas time.

The author has some say so in whether she actually makes the changes that the editors request, but my experience has been that my editors make the books better and I’m happy to take their advice.

Imagine my surprise, however, when both editors asked me to “show” why my heroes and heroines fell in love with each other. In both these books, my heroes and heroines are, shall we say, put in very intimate situations with each other. I could not stop them! My heroes and heroines ganged up on me and demanded a more “sensual” book, but apparently they forgot to remind me to show why they were so “attracted” to each other. Why did they fall in love?

I’ve no doubt I can fix this little problem. The present I’m giving to myself is to not even look at these two manuscripts until after Christmas, but in the meantime, it got me thinking. How do readers like the author to show how the hero and heroine in a romance fall in love?

That’s my question for you today. How do you like your heroes and heroines to show they are falling in love?
