I am currently in San Diego, California for the RWA (Romance Writers of America) Board meeting. In November, the board meets at the location of the next conference– which is, as you might have guessed—in San Diego. We’re at the conference hotel, so allow me to tell anyone thinking about the conference, you want to be here for the 2016 conference. The hotel is fantastic and is surrounded by great places to eat and shop and it’s all strollable. You don’t have to go anywhere near traffic. It’s just, hey, I walked past the hotel pool and through this gate and look! Shopping! Cookies! Great food! Spectacular view of the Pacific!! Wonderful places to walk! There’s loads of seating inside and out, too. I hope to see everyone there!
The Poll
You can choose up to 5. In the comments, please list other favorite historical eras, any time, any area.

Victorian!!!!!! (Of course. It’s got Mr. Punch. 🙂 ) And Roman, thanks to Rosemary Sutcliff.
I do love certain periods of Victorian. The 1840’s is one fave.
I love 1920s. I haven’t found many 1920s romances, but several cozy mysteries and they are jolly good. There’s often romance, peers and great houses included so it’s not that far fetched.
It’s true, there aren’t very many romances in the 1920’s. I hope we see more!
I’m happiest plunked down anywhere from the end of the Wars of the Roses to the end of the American Revolution (or War for Independence, depending on side of the pond) but I have a special fondness for the whole English Civil War and Restoration period. The shifts in the whole feel of the era are dramatic and ripe for romance.
War of the Roses. Yes!!
Any period of English history intrigues me and has since I was a girl of nine and found out we were going to be stationed there. But my heart belongs to the Regency. Followed by the Georgian Era and then the Medieval. I am fond of the early Victorian era, but once automobiles hit the scene I am out of there. I simply don’t see the romance in transportation that doesn’t involve a horse. Trains are alright, from time to time.
My love of the medieval era stems from reading The Wolf and the Dove, my first foray into the world of historical romance as an adult. I was a freshman in college.
I picked Georgian but have read excellent books in any of those time periods.
Carolyn, thanks so much for serving on the RWA board and I am really hoping to make it to the next conference!