In case you didn’t hear, the RWA National conference was last week. I know, I know! You’re so welcome. I’m happy to have told you.

In good news, my historical Indiscreet won the Bookseller’s Best award for Best Short Regency Historical. That’s right. I am now an

  award winning author

and that means that from now on whenever someone calls me an award winning author I no longer have to sheepishly tell them that I’m not because now I am! Not that I’m proud or tickled pink or anything like that. I know it’s probably old hat for the other Riskies, but it’s a first for me and I’m working it!

As expected, fellow Risky Amanda McCabe rocked the joint with cute dresses. So did Risky Megan, actually. One of these days I’m going to stage a break-in to our hotel room and steal all her stuff, except her shoes because they wouldn’t fit me.  I didn’t see as much of Risky Diane or Risky Janet, alas, but we got together for breakfast and I did run into them a couple of times for good times.

I have other news but it’s unofficial at this point so all I can do is tease you mercilessly. Heh.

Other than that, how about an ad hoc comment contest?

Answer the below question in the comments and I’ll choose some winner(s) to get a copy of Indiscreet and/or Scandal.

I will select the winner(s) next Wednesday (August 11) so watch this space. Void where prohibited.

Question: At a huge gala affair, you win an award called “The Jewel Prize”  What did you win it for, who presented it to you and what did you win?