So, did you hear there was a big RWA conference last week? 🙂 I’ve been doing laundry, sending emails, downloading pics, slowly unpacking all the princess swag I acquired, and I’m still smiling. I’ve been to a lot of RWAs and I have to say I think I enjoyed this one the most. There was a great, laid-back feeling to the conference, I got to meet up with lots of friends (and make new ones), and I finally got to see Disney World. I was ridiculously excited to ride the rides and meet the princesses!
A quick look at some of the festivities:
At the Beau Monde Soiree with Janet (in my new Countess of Scandal gown!)
With Keira Soleore and her adorable bonnet
In the stocks at Disney World with Michelle Willingham (we were bad authors that day!)
With Michelle and the Harlequin Mills & Boon editors (Joanne Grant, Linda Fildew, Kim Young, and Jenny Hutton), waiting to run through the Magic Kingdom gates as soon as they opened…
At the awards ceremony with Michelle and Joanne!
Megan and Carolyn at the ceremonyAfter the ceremony!
Abigail, my own little Snow White
See you next year in New York City! Were you at RWA? What did you enjoy the most???
Great that you enjoyed it. Lovely photos. Your snow white is so cute. I’m in Down Under, so buried in cold weather.
Steamy Darcy
Best picture in your post, Amanda, was Abigail’s. She’s adorable!!
Disney day was a LOT of fun.
I wouldn’t know what to say was my favorite part!
I loved helping with the booksigning, although my part was relatively small.
I LOVED being with the Riskies, brief as those moments were.
I LOVED the Harlequin Historical Tea and the Harlequin party.
I loved being with friends and hated that I couldn’t spend more time with each and every one of them.
(and I didn’t get to Disney World…not even a glimpse)
“Best picture in your post, Amanda, was Abigail’s. She’s adorable!!”
LOL! She wasn’t too happy about the bow at first, but it looks so cute I told her she had to wear it. 🙂 She was driving me crazy yesterday while I was trying to unpack, so I popped in the “Princess and the Frog” DVD and let her bark at the frogs for a while…
I MUST go to a Disney World for a real vacation sometime soon! I missed so many things.
How fun, and Abigail is a cutie!
I had a Snow White costume for my old dog Stazie who was an all white Siberian Husky. She looked very cute. I need to get a new Cinderella one for my new dog, Rory because she’s a grey and white Siberian Husky and looks like she’s been lying in cinders.
Hee! One of the best parts for me, Amanda, was watching everyone’s eyes widen when they caught sight of the Cutest Dress Ever–the one you wore to the RITAs. I was very proud to be your date!
How cute was your Snow White. 🙂 I’d have loved to go. Looks like everyone had a ball.
Carol L.
LOL, Megan! There’s no one better to watch dresses with than you. 🙂
Carol, it was really a great conference this year. I hope next year is the same…