So this being the Risky’s anniversary month, I’m going to join in the celebration even though I’m still a wet-behind-the-ears Risky. I have such fond memories already. Fun with Google books, phosphorus pencils, Megan’s penchant for pictures of handsome men . . . You can’t have too many handsome men, if I do say so myself.
I wish I could give everyone a phosphorus pencil and wait for the stories about desks and papers set on fire. Alas, that is not to be. But I can offer one lucky commenter a copy of my February historical Scandal. If you look over to the right –> you can take a look at the cover — because I haven’t had time to switch the cover to my October historical, Indiscreet. If you already have Scandal and for some reason don’t want two copies (why not?) I would be happy to send you one of my paranormals instead.
To have your chance to win a copy of the book, leave a comment about one of the following things:
- if you had a phosphorus pencil, what would you do with it?
- name your favorite literary blood fucking fiend: Eric, Bill, Edward, LeStat or someone else?
- If you were a Regency heiress would you prefer lots of dainty slippers or an ermine muff? And would your eyes sparkle?
- Something else entirely