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Tag Archives: Bertie

Just dashing in for a moment, during a missive from the sponsor, with a question or two.

1) Where does the fast restaurant entitled “Mac Donalds” get its apples? I bought their apple salad and forgot to eat it. Several hours have now passed, but the apples have not turned brown in the least, even at the cut edges. Are these pieces not apple after all, but some variety of still life artwork?

2) Is Mr. Mac Donald related to Mr. Mac Nugget? How about Mayor Mac Cheese?

Enough questions for one day . . . Back to my regularly scheduled Tele Vision!

Bertie the Beau

Greetings, dear ones! Bertie the Beau here once again, popping in whenever I have an atom of free time.

Could someone please explain:

1) What is football? And why are the members of gang called the Stealers not in gaol?

2) What is half time? Is that a sort of time-travelling device?

3) What is the secret to the Tele-Vision story entitled “Lost”? If so many people actually watch these lost people, why cannot any of the watchers tell the lost people where they are?

4) Why are the modern Olympic Games called the Olympic Games when the competitors are obviously clothed?

5) Why would a beautiful woman become so desperate that she married a house?

(As you may guess, I have been studying the Tele-Vision device, which may explain why I only have an atom of free time.)

As ever, I remain exquisitely yours.

Bertram St James

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is I, Bertram St. James, here to thank you all for attending our party and dazzling us all with your wit and beauty! The patronesses and I can only hope you enjoyed yourselves at least half as much as we did.

And now it is my honour to announce the winners of the Treasure Hunt and daily prizes.

(The exquisite arrangement of my cravat deserves an award of its own, don’t you think? But as one of the hosts I am, sadly, ineligible for a prize. Sometimes beauty must be its own reward.)

Monday’s winner, to receive a copy of DEDICATION, by Janet Mullany:
Amanda (not McCabe!)

Tuesday’s winner, to receive a copy of MY LADY GAMESTER, by Cara King:
Moonlight Maiden

Wednesday’s winner, to receive a copy of LADY DEARING’S MASQUERADE, by Elena Greene:

Thursday’s winner, to receive a copy of THE STAR OF INDIA, by Amanda McCabe:
Amanda (not McCabe!)

Friday’s winner, to receive a copy of A SINGULAR LADY, by Megan Frampton:
Pam P (aka Lady Pamela)

Saturday’s winner, to receive a copy of LORD RYBURN’S APPRENTICE, by Laurie Bishop:

And the winner of the Grand Prize (autographed copies of books by all the Risky Regencies and more):


In addition, I myself would like to give a Surprise Award (don’t you love surprises?) which will consist of one of the patronesses’ backlist titles. So with no further ado, I hereby announce that the “Most Exceedingly Congenial Guest Award” goes to:


Kim W (aka Lady Kimberly)

Winners, please do us the kindness of sending an email to Please provide your name and mailing address so the patronesses can send you your prizes.

We thank you all for coming, and hope you will visit us often!

Bertie and the Risky Regencies

Janet Mullany

Cara King

Elena Greene

Amanda McCabe

Megan Frampton

Laurie Bishop

It is I, Bertram St. James, Regency Time-Traveler Extraordinaire, here to tell you about the deliciously exciting Risky Regencies Treasure Hunt!

Enter now! Answer the six questions that follow, “e-mail” them to the “e-mail address” provided, and you will be entered to win literary treasure!

How do you find the answers to these questions? It is excessively simple. Just search this “blog.” Have delirious fun while doing so. Indeed, become so distracted by all this fun that you almost forget to put on your cravat.

Oh, very well. Having all that fun is not actually a prerequisite for winning. (The prize-winner shall be the entrant with the greatest number of correct answers. If there is a tie, the winner shall be picked at random from those entries which contain the most correct answers.) Of course, anyone finding all six correct answers will have all the fun that I described above — and quite possibly so much more.

The best part of all this? The triumphant winner (who shan’t be paraded by chariot through the streets of Rome crowned with laurel, but really ought to be, if you ask me) will win many books written by the Risky Regencies authors — you are guaranteed at least six free autographed books (personally inscribed with your name) — and most likely more than six. You will also win a variety of delightful Regency-themed or English-themed items, which may include tea, or bookmarks, or who knows what else!

You have through Saturday, Jan 14, 2006 to enter. Email your answers to (you cannot post your answers on this “blog” for reasons that are so obvious that even I can figure them out).

And the questions (drum roll, please):

  1. If Megan could be any character from a Regency romance, which character would it be?
  2. What is Janet’s favorite museum in the city of Bath?
  3. What Regency era pastry recipe did Elena recreate for her Regency Tea and booksigning?
  4. What product was once marketed to worried consumers when the fear of Grave Robbers was prominent?
  5. Which Jane Austen movie heartthrobs won the top votes in the Risky Regencies poll in each of the three categories: (a) hottest, (b) most loveable, and (c) most marriageable? (You must name the character AND the actor for each!)
  6. What two Christmas novellas did Amanda write for Signet? And which one contains her personal favorite couple of her own creating? (Name the couple for bonus points!)

Best of British luck to you all!

Bertram St. James, Exquisite

Welcome to the Risky Regencies Blog Party! Thanks for coming. Do come in, have a seat, have a glass of claret or a cup of tea.

In addition to mingling with other guests and your six hostesses (and of course me, Bertram St. James, Regency time-traveler extraordinaire), you have the chance to win prizes. Six daily prizes will be awarded, one for each day from Monday through Saturday, with a grand prize at the end of the week to the winner of the Treasure Hunt.

1. To be eligible for a daily prize, just submit a comment on any or all of the posts which appear each day from Monday through Saturday (January 9 through 14). The winning comment will be chosen based on its creativity, originality, or truthfulness — or perhaps on whether it made that day’s hostess snort with laughter.

2. You may continue to comment after the “day” of the post — all comments will be eligible for a prize, as long as they appear before the end of Saturday, January 14.

3. It is possible to win on multiple days.

4. Hedgehogs are eligible for prizes, but only if do not leave footprints in the blog.

5. Information about the Treasure Hunt rules and grand prize appear in the post entitled TREASURE HUNT.

6. Isn’t my waistcoat too beautiful for words?

7. The hostesses and their families are not eligible for prizes, although of course they are allowed to chatter as much as they want. They will anyway.

8. Tea is allowed to post comments as much as it likes, but only if it is real tea. It may have milk in it, or even sugar or honey, or a bit of lemon — but no mango, no vermicelli, no pantheon of primates.

9. All the prize winners will be announced next week — so do check back to see if you’ve won!

10. Gentlemen are encouraged to join in the fun. Bounders and cads, however, are not welcome. (You know who you are.)

11. Questions? Just ask by leaving a comment on this post! (To comment, you will need to be registered with the entity known as “Blogger” or “Blogspot” — but this process is free, and ever so delightful.)

Now, to the party!

Bertie the Beau, Regency Exquisite

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