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Author Archives: megan

We’ve survived four years together! The fourth anniversary, according to one source, represents “the blossoming partnership of a couple.” Flowers are the traditional gift for the fourth year, while the contemporary gift is . . . appliances?!?

When we started four years ago, I had no idea we’d still be doing it. Truth be told, I didn’t have any expectations. I just thought it sounded fun, and a place where I could have a different persona than on my own blog (hard to believe, but I am waaaay more neurotic over there). But we’ve blossomed, just like we were supposed to, and I am happy to be part of such excellent company. We are, sad to say, still lacking decent appliances. But that is a minor issue.

(In an intriguing coincidence, my husband and I just celebrated our fourteenth anniversary this week as well. Much fancy cheese was eaten. And I am looking forward to tormenting him for many more years.)

To celebrate our Risky anniversary here, I’ll be giving away a 25 dollar gift certificate to Amazon! All you have to do is enter is say what your ideal celebration is. For example, would you go to Paris and drink champagne in twilight near the Eiffel Tower? Or perhaps hunker down in your living room with a hunk-filled movie? Maybe you’d rather get together with a group of friends and sit outside drinking wine and laughing?

All these sound awesome to me, actually. I don’t know which I’d choose!

So go get us some toasters and join in the party! We’ll choose a random commenter for the winner. And thanks to you guys, our visitors, for making all my ‘what-to-post’ angst worthwhile every Friday.


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Just like Megan Fox, I am a cutter. Great initials, by the way, Megan.

[sidebar: I didn’t think anyone could possibly be as beautiful as Angelina Jolie, but Megan Fox is so stunning that it is almost hard to look at her. Yes, she is outrageous and dumb and outrageously dumb in interviews, but she must have had a seriously different life than any of us have had, since she’s been that gorgeous her whole life, and people treat you differently. Plus, she’s an actor; who cares what she says in interviews?]

But unlike Megan, I am proud of cutting. (My friend Kwana calls me The Queen of Cut). Earlier this week, my agent emailed to suggest revising my manuscript currently making the editorial rounds. I’d already returned from National with all kinds of ways to improve it, and much of the feedback from editors has been similar, so it makes sense to act on it, and improve the manuscript. Even if it ends up not selling, it will be useful to have undergone the editing exercise. Now that school is back in session, and life is almost back to normal, I have time to actually act.

So I’m yanking out at least two plot threads in the manuscript, which means I’ve got pages and pages with slashing red lines drawn through them. It feels good, to weed out what I knew, in my writer heart of hearts, was wrong.

What’s left? A love story. A love story between two people, one of whom is seriously damaged, and one of whom thinks she is unworthy. It will remain to be seen if I can cobble together a compelling book, but meanwhile, I have my little red pen in my hand and I’m going to town.

I don’t know if I have anything else to add today, since my head is all kinds of engrossed with this, plus the normal detritus that clogs my brain. Next week I’ll be pulling out most, if not all, of the stops with an Anniversary Post. How about commenting on anything you want, if you are so inclined?


*An Echo And The Bunnymen song. You’re welcome.

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Today is a sad day of remembrance, and there are plenty of well-written tributes to what today means. I was in New York City that day, and it is etched forever in my memory. But I don’t feel as though it is appropriate for me to go on and on about what it meant, because you guys know already (and see above, plenty of well-written tributes).


So today I’m gonna talk about something totally frivolous: Fall fashion. Specifically, the turn in beauty towards darker colors. This morning, I met a friend for coffee, and he had a birthday present for me (aww!). It was an OPI nail polish shade I’d twittered about, their line of matte shades. This one is Lincoln Park After Dark, which I also have on my toes (the regular glossy version, and it’s kinda chipped, but I am wearing socks for the first time in ages ’cause it’s cold, so you can’t see).

Last fall, fashion mags and blogs were talking about black lipstick, a trend I TOTALLY would have jumped on 20 years ago. Not so much now. Not many people rocked the trend in real life, makes sense given how perfect the rest of you has to look to make it look okay, but once again, they’re saying black lipgloss is in style.

I love the return of fall–and today in New York, it’s really fall-like, kinda rainy and dreary and cold (hence the socks. I hate wearing socks). Sweaters, and pumpkins, and dark, intense colors (the same friend said once I like to wear “dark bruise” colors, I think). I won’t be wearing black lipstick, but I am definitely putting away some of my brighter colors in favor of the dark.
What is the most outrageous beauty trend you’ve tried–or been tempted to try? What’s your favorite thing about fall?


PS: If you are in the New York City area and want to attend a special book event at SiriusXM on Monday, here are the deets: SiriusXM will be taping a “Book Radio Presents” special with our three hosts— Pia Lindström, Maggie Linton and Kim Alexander—and leading women’s fiction authors Jennifer Weiner, Julie Buxbaum and Lucinda Rosenfeld. Blogger Ron Hogan will join us for a roundtable discussion, interview, Q & A and reading with these three leading contemporary women authors to talk about live, love, the meaning of best friends/friendship and other themes from their books. Doors open 1:30 pm, we will tape the interview/broadcast from 2:00 – 3:00 pm, and then have a reception from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. Please RSVP to Hillary Schupf, and bring photo ID for security desk.

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My first order of business is to apologize for the brevity and lack of visual interest for this post, but I am on the Jersey shore, and typing on an iPhone. The second is to say I have been reading a lot, since that’s what you do vacation (or any spare moments, actually). I am currently relishing every minute of former Risky interviewee Tessa Dare’s Goddess Of The Hunt. Wow. It is amazingly delicious, and the characters are so real. While on the beach, I have noticed nearly everyone–including adults–reading Stephenie Meyer. Some of the male holdouts are still reading Patterson et al. But they’re reading, and that’s cool. We have only a few more days here, so I’ll scoot, but ask before I go: what is the book you associate with your best holiday? Mine would be Pamela by Samuel Richardson, which I read on my honeymoon.

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