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Cover of Christmas in Duke Street: showing a Regency man and woman against a snowy background, a distant fancy house and distant Christmas tree covered with snow.

Christmas in Duke Street

Yay! It’s never too soon for a holiday anthology of wonderful stories by Miranda Neville, Yours Truly, Shana Galen and Grace Burrowes, am I right?

Four original holiday stories by four bestselling authors. My story is called A Seduction in Winter and I think it came out pretty awesome. In fact ALL the stories are awesome.

There’s a prize too! Details at the end!

Who doesn’t want Chicken Poop?

I will send three randomly selected commenters a copy of the summer anthology Dancing in The Duke’s Arms by the same authors.

But wait! There’s more! I will also send those same lucky commenters some of the best lip balm ever. Chicken Poop. Yes. Chicken Poop. In case you’re worried, as you can see from the photos below, there is NO ACTUAL POOP in the lip balm.

So don’t worry! You could end up with two fabulous books (one free and one for $4.99 or the nearest VAT inclusive currency eqiuvalent) for a total of 8 stories, plus Chicken Poop.

Photo of a tube of Chicken Poop Lip Balm. You want this. Seriously.

Chicken Poop

Image of Chicken Poop Lip Balm assuring us all it contains no poop. which it doesn't.

Contains no Poop

About Christmas in Duke Street

Christmas in London is a busy time at the little bookshop in Duke Street, for love, literature, and shopping. Four couples come and go and discover that happy ever after makes the perfect Christmas gift. A new anthology from the bestselling authors of Christmas in the Duke’s Arms and Dancing in the Duke’s Arms.

The Rake Who Loved Christmas by Miranda Neville

Sir Devlyn Stratton wants to save his brother from an unprincipled adventuress, especially when he meets Oriel Sinclair and wants her for himself. Oriel won’t marry for convenience or become a rake’s mistress. But succumbing to Dev’s seduction is all too tempting.

A Seduction in Winter by Carolyn Jewel

He’s an artist and a duke’s heir. She’s sheltered and scarred. Can he show her by Christmas that love can be theirs to share?

A Prince in her Stocking by Shana Galen

Lady Cassandra has always done as she’s been told. Meek and malleable, she’s lived a life devoid of passion. When she meets a handsome man rumored to be an exiled prince, she sees one last chance at excitement. Little does she know, too much excitement can be dangerous.

The Appeal of Christmas by Grace Burrowes

The best Christmas present is the one he didn’t realize he desperately needed.

What They’re Saying

THE RAKE WHO LOVED CHRISTMAS is filled with emotions, love, sadness, hope, bittersweet moments. Ms. Neville paints a Regency winter so authentic, you cannot help but be sucked in right into her world. And not all characters are always nice, but how delightful when they see the error of their ways and redeem themselves. Another glorious romance by the wonderful Miranda Neville!

A SEDUCTION IN WINTER is a perfectly magnificent book! Honora’s story is heartbreaking, and Ms. Jewell [sic] kept me enthralled with Honora’s fate. The art world is beautifully depicted, the dialogue is splendid.

A PRINCE IN HER STOCKING revolves around books, and a bookstore. There are surprises at every corner, fabulous plot twists, and terrific character development, especially when it comes to Cass. The writing flows beautifully, the chemistry between Cass and Lucien is palpable; what a wonderful story it is!

The characters are all splendid, and I enjoyed very much the little bit about Mr. and Mrs. Merriweather, of the bookshop. THE APPEAL OF CHRISTMAS is clever, superbly written, very romantic; another lovely story from Ms. Burrowes!
— Amazon

Where to Get Christmas In Duke Street

All Romance | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Google Play | Kobo | Trade Paper


Three lucky commenters will get a copy of the previous anthology, Dancing in the Duke’s Arms, AND their very own Chicken Poop. To enter, read the rules below and follow the instructions:

Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited. No purchase necessary. Multiple comments do not increase the chances of selection as a winner. All prizes will be awarded. If the winners do not respond to the notification within 10 days, an alternate winner will be selected. International OK. Winner randomly selected using the And The Winner Is plugin.

It’s not really possible or wise to gift ebooks anymore. I’ll email you your preferred file format. If you prefer print, that will be shipped to you.

To enter, leave a comment on this post by midnight Eastern October 17, 2015.


I am currently in San Diego, California for the RWA (Romance Writers of America) Board meeting. In November, the board meets at the location of the next conference– which is, as you might have guessed—in San Diego. We’re at the conference hotel, so allow me to tell anyone thinking about the conference, you want to be here for the 2016 conference. The hotel is fantastic and is surrounded by great places to eat and shop and it’s all strollable. You don’t have to go anywhere near traffic. It’s just, hey, I walked past the hotel pool and through this gate and look! Shopping! Cookies! Great food! Spectacular view of the Pacific!! Wonderful places to walk! There’s loads of seating inside and out, too. I hope to see everyone there!

The Poll

You can choose up to 5. In the comments, please list other favorite historical eras, any time, any area.

What is your favorite English historical period (Besides Regency)?

View Results

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Limited Time Sale

Cover of Dancing in The Duke's Arms, an anthology. A couple is dancing outside. He gazes fondly at her, she is perhaps a little shy. They are outside because it is summer and who doesn't want to dance outside with handsome duke?

Dancing Dukes!

For a limited time — even more limited by the time you read this, Dancing in the Duke’s Arms is on sale for $0.99 (or the currency equivalent, less VAT). So, if you don’t have this yet, now would be the time to check out four original stories, including An Unsuitable Duchess, by Yours Truly. . . with Dukes. <grin>

Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Google Play | Kobo | All Romance

Other News

I have been frantically trying to finish My Demon Warlord, Book 7 in the My Immmortals Series. It’s in final stages and I’m hoping to get it to the copy-editor next week sometime. I hope.

That means I have had my head in demons and witches and not historicals except for when Risky Rose Lerner forced me to buy the soundtrack for Hamilton and OMG. Just… so so so wonderful. I want to fly to NY and see it. OK, so Rose didn’t actually force me but I blame her anyway.

Interestingly, in the shower this morning I ended up washing my hair and plotting Book 3 in the Sinclair Sisters Series (for fans, that’s Emily and Devon’s story). It’s my next project and it is a historical.

Holiday Wishes

I believe my next post will be in 2016 so I wish all of you the very happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year.

OK, you’ll never guess. I began Operation New (to me) Desk!

This project entailed cleaning, discarding, and organizing. Three things I’m not good at. Phase One is complete. The old desk is out. The new desk is in.

The new desk is a standing/treadmill desk with no drawers so … problem, right? Because where do I put the stuff I did not discard?

Answer: In the file cabinet that arrived today — well ahead of schedule. My printer is on it right now!

Phase Three will be putting stuff in the drawers and deciding what to do with the left overs…

There is a Phase 3.5 now because I discovered my 20+ year old chair is no longer able to be height adjusted and it’s not the right height any more.

Phase 3.6 is installing the keyboard tray.

I even have writing news. Which is I have officially started Book 3 of my Sinclair Sisters Series and have some research to do, which will be the subject of future posts, I’m sure.

How about you? Do you have any successes to report? Or challenges underway? Let me know in the comments. We can cheer each other on!


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